Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I sit there stunned as I wait for another movement from Niall's thumb. I watch his hand for what seems like hours, but the sensation doesn't return. I even try and speak to him.

"Niall? Ni, it's me, Kat. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I put you here and for walking out like that, I'm so sorry. I love you, okay? I love you, and I knew it from the minute I met you. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out, I just got stuck. But I love you. I love you with my whole heart, so please, please wake up." 

I lay my forehead on the side of his bed and quietly sob as I get no response from him. I hear the dull sound of somebody clearning their throat behind me. I lift my head up and turn my gaze towards the door. Anabelle stands there, staring at the scene of Niall and I. 

"I, uh, I forgot my jacket." She shuffles into the room and picks up a tan leather jacket off the side of the couch. She hesitates and keeps her back turned to me. Then, with her back still turned, she speaks. "How long have you known him?" She quietly asks.

I don't feel as though I need to answer her, but I do anyway. "A little more than two months." 

Abruptly, she whips her head around to face me. I can see the faint glimmer of new tears forming on her already tear-stained face. "Two months?" She repeats back, this time a bit angrily. "He was my boyfriend for two and a half years. I should be the one getting to stay, not you."

The hostility in her voice irritates me, but I keep my face calm. I don't say a word to her. 

"Things were going fine between us and then one day, he tells me he needs space while he works on his music. Next thing I know, he meets you in a coffee shop and you're practically living together. How ridiculous!" She begins to move closer to me, and I've got nowhere to go. Out of nowhere, she's standing directly next to my bed, hovering over me as I still grasp Niall's hand. "Enjoy your time with him now, because once he wakes up, you won't be seeing him much. I don't care how fragile you are, I'm not going down without a fight. That boy right there," she points a perfectly manicured finger towards Niall, "is mine. You don't know the first thing about him, let alone love him." She lets out a sound of disgust and swiftly turns on her heel and heads for the door.

I watch as she walks out the door and down the hall of the hospital. Her words lingered and continued to sting even after she was long gone. Why hadn't he told me about her? I search my brain for a brief moment in time where may have mentioned her name, but my mind comes up empty. He hadn't told me about her, his exgirlfriend of two and a half years, and there was a reason why. I look over at the sweet, blonde-haired boy laying so helpless and fragile in the bed. The rage that had formed with Anabelle's presence has subsided and I try and concentrate on Niall again. I continue tracing circles with my thumb in a weak attempt to see his thumb move, but it's no use. My eyelids start to feel heavy and before I know, I slip out of consciousness, my hand still tightly holding onto Niall's. 

Niall's POV

I can't be sure how long it's been that I've been sitting in this bed, motionless. I had always wondered what went on in peoples' minds when they were comatose, but now I know first hand. Contrary to popular belief, I am very aware of the people and sounds around me. I can hear everything. I hear the nurses talking to one another about how I may never wake up; I hear my friends sob day in and day out as they wait for me to wake up; I hear the sound of the monitor as it continually checks that my heart is still beating; and now, I hear Kat. The one person I've been waiting for. 

God, it's so frustrating just sitting here. I want to scream, I want to shout, I want to do something to let these people know that I am here, I am not dead! But my body won't cooperate. I feel Kat's finger tracing my hand and I try in a desperate attempt to let her know that I know she's here. I try to wiggle my thumb, but I'm not sure if it works. I try again and again, getting no verbal response from Kat. Discouraged at my many attempts, I give up. The only thing I can do is listen to her talk. Her voice is so sweet, I want to open my eyes to see her wonderful face again. I try and fail. I'ts no use. I hear another voice come into the room now. One that is familiar but certainly not welcome. 

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