Dealing with crushes

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Dealing with crushes is hard.

Dealing with a crush you have on your best friend is even worse.

Dealing with your crush when he's a demon hunter is the worst.

Why may you ask is this the worse? Well for that I need to give a little explanation.

My name is Sollux Captor, son of Simon Captor brother of Mituna Captor and half blooded vampire. Yes vampire my family is seriously messed up, some dude thousands of years ago got turned into a vampire by his best friend then got married and had kids, they're kids three of them, two girls and a boy, were perfectly normal so he thought well maybe my kids won't be fucked up like me. But boy was he wrong, years later his son moved away because we couldn't accept the fact that his dad was a supernatural creature, and his youngest daughter had gotten a bad cold and perished weeks after he birth. So weeks before his only remaining child was due to give birth to her baby her and her husband were sitting in the family home and she apparently had been keeping her father a secret and so subtlety says, "hey babe just so you know I was lying to you all these years and my dads actually a vampire" and of corse he flips out kills her father then leaves just like that.

The oldest daughter bore her child and everything appeared normal he ate he slept and repeated nothing was out of the ordinary, until the child's teeth stared growing in. Now everyone has those teeth that are pointier than the rest but his teeth were extremely pointy. This made it clear that her son had inherited her grandfathers curse. The child was one of the first mixed breeds introduced to the earth he wasn't a full vampire about seven eighths vampire. He grew up to terrorize Europeans all over the country before he was captured by a hunter then rescued my the hunters daughter and married. Their kids also were perfectly normal. The theme of this story is only every other generation gets screwed. Through the the years more and more mixed bloods popped up through out Europe and the Captors continued to expand the family each vampire being less and less complete. Then the family moved to America starting in Massachusetts and eventually ending out in Washington until we get to me. A half vampire living in a town full of demon hunters because my family wants me dead but it goes against their beliefs to do it themselves. I hate them with a passion. I used to be okay my grandfather who was also a half blood used to live with us but he passed away four years ago at the age of 173. But wait Sollux no one could possibly live that long. And yes you're right but having the blood of an immortal creature running throw your body really improves your life expectancy.

The year after he passed my parents moved across town with my brother leaving me to live by myself at the age of fifteen. Thankfully they still payed for everything like my electricity, water, and sent me checks for food, but they still basically disowned me.

Enough of my shitty backstory. Just glancing at me you'd wouldn't think there was anything off about me, I have shaggy beach blonde hair that I don't care to do anything with, I'm an average height about 5'7, despite the amount that I move I still have a lanky build and I'm extra skinny. The only thing that could tell you otherwise from me being just a normal eighteen year old is the large fangs protruding from my top row of teeth and my bicolored eyes that glow whenever I get too hungry but I usually wear my 3D glasses or contacts with one lens colored blue to cover my red eye.

Being only half vampire I don't have all the powers of a full one I can't fly, can't teleport, won't live forever, don't have to worry about sun (though I've never met a full vampire to ask if that actually is true or just a myth), and don't have to rely completely on blood for my meals.

I still however can hover about two to three feet off the ground, have to drink some blood which I get mostly from small game and the occasional deer that live in the forest just outside the town, super speed, and heal really quickly.

Back to the earlier statement about crushes, my crush happens to be on my best friend John Egbert local nerd and apprentice demon hunter.

I'm could never be with him, that would involve eventually telling him and as soon as I did I'd be as good as dead. His cousin Jake English is the best hunter in the state and teaching John everything he possibly could.

Well I'm horribly fucked.

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