Who's the Dork

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Sollux's POV
My head hurt like hell when I woke up but it didn't bother me much considering the migraines I get almost on a daily basis. I rub my eyes looking around the unfamiliar room and hear a soft snore near me, looking down I find John sleeping on the floor and looking rather uncomfortable. I blink a few times realizing that I never really entered the Egbert-English household, but that was probably just because Jake would use some hunter gadget or tool to sniff me out then I'd be toast.

I looked down to my leg it was wrapped in a white bandage that in the middle where the bullet had hit was stained a dirty red, but it didn't hurt that meant I got enough blood in me last night to heal up fast. It was one of the things I loved about being a half as long as I was well nourished it look almost no time to heal flesh wounds like this. I stood up a tingle of pain ran through my leg but I was good to walk I might have a bit of a limp till tomorrow but I can live with that.

Walking back to my house the chilly air reminded me that I stripped off my shirt last night. Great just great at this rate I'll have to buy more clothes, this is the third time this month I've ruined an outfit. I stride into the large empty house and jog up to my room grabbing a tan pair of cargo pants, a dark green t-shirt, a pair of mismatched socks (one red one blue), a yellow beanie, and a small utility belt, that I may or may not have recently stolen from a hunter, laying them all out on my bed then going to get a quick shower.

Town was a blur as I walked through, fast food here, coffee shop there, grocery story on the corner. This town had to be the most run down shit hole in existence, the only people that lived here were bums that are too lazy to work enough buy a house in a nice neighborhood, vampires and demons in hiding and, hunters looking for the vampires and demons.

Walking along on the outside edge of town my eye caught on a particular girl leaning against one of the run down brick buildings. She had long black hair that hung loosely off her shoulders and down to her waist and piercing cerulean blue eyes under wire framed glasses, she had on a black tank underneath a long navy over coat and blue jeans. She wore just plain red and white converse and had one foot propped up behind her on the building.

I walked up to her and gave a small wave and she raised an eyebrow, I just chuckled and stood beside her leaning on the wall as well. "Since you're o8viously not going to leave me alone the names Serket, Vriska Serket don't forget it I'm kinda a big deal where I come from" She sneered but it wasn't hostile it was friendly.

"I'm thollux Captor I just live here" I chuckle lightly and she rolls her eyes.

"Whoa lisp much?" Vriska picks chuckling now instead.

"Wow totally haven't heard that one before, Tho what are you?" I ask, I could sense that she definitely wasn't human but I couldn't pick up on the exact smell because she had a heavy perfume sent to her.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She exclaims.

"Exactly what you think it does" I roll my eyes and bare fangs for her to see.

She makes an O face and nods,"I'm a vamp, what a8out you?"

"Half Vamp"

"What really? I thought the hunters killed all those off" she looks at me a bit wide eyed.

"Well maybe I've yet to meet another half besides my grandfather"

"I haven't hung out with another full in a long time if it makes you feel any 8etter, every8ody's so damn paranoid now a days keep to themselves"


Vriska looked as if about to say something when a troll boy nervously crept up by us and she sighed loudly,"what do you want now twerp?"

"i UHH,,, lEFT MY PHONE HERE" He stuttered out. He had long bull horns that looked like he could whack anyone within a three foot radius if not careful and a black shirt and pants the t-shirt with a brown Taurus sign.

"Then get it and get out of my sight" she growls.


He gets down on the ground looking under boxes and the bench and I lean over to whisper to Vriska,"who'th that?"

"No one important"

"Doeth he know?"

"No! And I don't plan on telling him"

"i FOUND IT UHH,, iLL JUST BE GOING NOW" he scampered off quickly.

"Did you want to go hunting with me I'm starved" Vriska speaks up after a rather uncomfortable silence.

"Thure I could uthe a bite to eat" I shrug and turn in the direction of the forest,"RATHE YA" I shout and start super speeding towards the woods.

"OH YOU CHEATER!" She shouts from behind me and I snicker.

"ALLS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR DEAR FRIEND" I smirk before promptly tripping in a pot hole and tumbling onto the ground.


"HAR HAR HAR YOU'RE THOOO FUNNY" When she pasted me I grabbed onto her leg and she tripped landing on the ground beside me.

"Oh that was low" she growled slightly with a chuckle.

"Tho are you right now"

She rolls her eyes chasing after me and I reach the forest first and fist pump in celebration.

"Let's just split up and we can put our catch all together after"

"Alright vrith I'll go thith way" I point to my left.

"Okay have fun nerd" she turns and vampire speeds off in the opposite direction of me.

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