Why Can't Things Be Simple? Oh Yeah Because That Would Make Sense

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Sollux's pov
I was walking home after visiting John when I heard a loud scream, followed by a slurry of curse words. I followed the ruckus that would probably make any parent cringe if they heard it to find a pissed looking Vriska limping out of an alleyway with a black shackle around her right leg.

"What did you do now?" I ask with a small amused chuckle and she quickly whips around giving me a death glare that could give the grim reaper a run for his money.

"I didn't do shit! Dum8 Hunter caught me from 8ehind. 8arely escaped that death trap." She huffs crossing her arms.

"Mhm thure and you jutht happened to be there like the good law abiding thitizen you are"

"Yes!" She screeches.

"Ehehe whatever I'll call Tav he probably hath thomething to cut thith chain" I say and pull out my phone texting Tavros and telling him the situation.

"Alright Alright 8ut stop with your condescending snickering Mr. Lispy"

"Yeah yeah whatever to that too, I'll snicker at whatever I want" I smirk lightly and rest my arm against her shoulder.

"I really hate you sometimes"

"No you looooove my company"

"No I reeeeeeeeally hate you" she rolls her eyes and pushes me off.

"Pssssh nah" I was about to maybe go into small rant about it when John appears around the corner sprinting towards us.

"Guys run he's!-" and just to heighten my confusion a gun goes off just narrowly missing Vriska but making her yelp in surprise.

"Good job John told you we'd catch that monster and look we found another one too" Jake beams to a terrified looking John as he rounds the corner, patting the smaller boy on the shoulder before turning his attention back to us.

"Jake no!" John tries to run over but he's held back by his cousin.

"Watch John these are dangerous beasts" Jake snaps pushing John behind him as he aims twin pistols at Vriska and I and we take that as our cue to run, but it's not fast enough since he shoots missing with one bullet but the other sinks into the back of my thigh making me screech and almost fall over till Vriska grabs my arm slinging it over her shoulder and running.

"DOETH IT LOOK LIKE IM WEARING A THIGN THAT THAYTH THOOT ME" I yell regardless off my situation and Vriska just chuckles.

"8etter you than me"

"You're and athhole"

"Tell me something I don't know"

"Run to the cliffth at the back of the woodth, there'th a thafe thpot there" I wheeze out and she nods running with my pain paralyzed body dragging behind her.

Now I'd like to think that I was taking it good but I really wasn't, have you ever been shot? It hurts like hell and there was no way I could have walked on it. I feel bad for making Vriska carry the weighted shackle around her ankle and my floppy noodle body all the way to the far side of the forest. The only thing I succeed in was whining in pain and not blacking out.

"Okay w-we're here" she pants heavily clearly exhausted by running here,"Now where?"

"Over here" I wince limping with Vriska's help to move a thick curtain of vines and reveal a tiny cave, barely enough to fit both us in. I'm dropped rather roughly onto the ground as she plops down on the cave floor.

"Uh Vris? If you're not too tired could you move that big rock there?"

"Why the hell do I want to want to move a damn 8oulder?"

"Becauthe you'll thee jutht do it"

She grumbles but stands up again moving the Rock and gasping in surprise,"8ut how...?"

"I used to come here a lot when my parentth would yell at me or...call hunterth to invethtigate..." I say looking down, it wasn't my favorite subject to talk about. I outright despised them all now but it doesn't matter, I have a new family.

"You had some shit parents Sol" she just shakes her head and picks me back up walking into the small room that had been hidden by the rock. Yes having it behind vines then a rather large rock is necessary. One: I don't want any hunters to find the spot easily, you need a secure place to hide. And two: I've put too much work into this hole for some animal to move in and make a mess.

"Shit when did you ever find the time to make all this?" She says in awe.

The room wasn't that big, enough to comfortably fit three people but no more than that. Blankets covered the stone floor and a few bean bag chairs lined the walls on one side with a plethora of blankets stacked up near the other wall, a generator sat on the wall not so skillfully hooked up to strips of Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling.

Vriska sets me down on one of the chairs and flips the switch turning on the multicolored lights with a small zapping sound.

"I'm going to call toreadork for some first aid supplies, you get some sleep for now and don't move your leg"

"Buuuut Vrithka you're getting blood on my chairth."

"You're getting 8lood on your chair. I'm not the one who got shot"

"Hey! I didn't jump in the way of the bullet and thith wouldn't even had happened to me if I didn't have to try and help you"

"Oh what a lovely friend you are" she snickers,"Just get some sleep you'll need it"

"Agg whatever I'm jutht too tired thlathh(slash) in pain to thtay up any longer"

"Haha I won"

"Blanketthhhhh Vrithka I need blanketthhhh for thleep" I whine making her groan softly before she dumps a few onto my face.

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