Is that your dog?

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Sollux's POV
I was walking through town to the small coffee shop when I heard a familiar voice screaming out curses.

What did Vriska do now? I sigh and start towards the yelling.

I turn into a small alley way to be greeted by the sight of Vriska against the brick wall at the end kicking and punching at a rather large dog that wouldn't stop barking.

"Uh Vrith? Whatca doing?"

She glares looking over at me,"What does it look like in doing! I'm getting attacked 8y this ravenous 8east!"

"It'th a dog"

"It's evil is what it is" she screeches then her eyes look onto something behind me,"that guy" she points to who I believe is the troll from yesterday, Tavros I think,"tell him to get his ass over here now"

I turn to talk to him but he must have over heard us because he sure was booking it away. I super speed behind him and grab his wrist,"Did you really think you'd be able to out run me?" I chuckle and he turns around looking defeated.


"Well you obviouthly can't" I start tugging him back to the alley, Tavros just sighs and follows.

"Finally!" Vriska beams when I walk up troll in tow. She has the dog pinned down and it was still snapping at her,"Get your damn dog under control"

"yES ,,,MA'AM" Tavros grumbles walking forwards more stroking the dogs head to calm it and Vriska gets off the animal standing next to me.

I roll my eyes and go over to the now calm dog petting it softly,"Aw come on Vrith it'th harmlethh" I chuckle.

"Fuck you, No it's not"

"Maybe it jutht doethnt like you"

"Maybe someone has it trained to go after vampires" she glares daggers at Tav.

"Nonthenthe the hunterth haven't been able to do that yet, and look I'm right here petting it and it'th not doing anything to me"

"That's 8ecause your human half masks the smell from the dum8 dog"

"Whatever helpth you thleep at night" right as I said that the dog lifts its snout sniffing my shirt for a minute before growling and snapping on at my shirt nearly missing my chest. I jerk back standing beside a snickering Vriska.

"Told you it was a vamp dog"

"Yeah yeah whatever" I grumble then look at Tav who appeared to be having a hard time keeping the dog from going after us,"Why do you have a dog like that anywayth mithter 'I'm wath tho thurprithed yethterday when I met two vampth'?"

"Yes Tavrossssssss tell Sollux what you really are!!!!!!!!" Vriska hisses obviously pissed.


"I thwear if you thnich I will perthonally thlit your throat I don't need hunterth up my athh"

"Yeah what he said"


"You can go now dork and take your dum8 8east with you"

Tav nods and shuffles out quickly.

"You do any hunting today Sol?, I'm starved"

"No and I could uthe thomething other than the thhitty coffee I've been drinking all day"

"Okay let's get get going then" she smirks softly adding quickly,"I want a rematch!" And running off.

I chase after her and eventually its neck and neck her falling just slightly behind,"Come on Vrith you need to run fathter"

"Easy for you to say I got my leg 8ite by a dog today"

"I took a bullet to the leg two dayth ago and I'm running fine"

She just grumbles as we reach the edge of the forest,"Spilt up we'll cover more ground"

"Thoundth good"

I thought I heard a deer in the distance since it was making a bunch of stomping of something large so I ran after it. Needless to say I had head on collision with a dork and a bitch and now we're all laying on the ground.

"TAVROSSSSSSSSS! Why do you sound like a deer!"

"Yea I thought we were doing really good"

"iM SORRY IM NOT PREY" he huffs.

"You better be"

"Hey you know what would 8e fun?"


"If you turned nerd 8oy into a vampire"


"yeah, but can we even do that?"

"Hell yes, 8ut I don't how"


"I think my parentth have a book in the library about thtuff like that"

"Let's go get it!" She springs up grab I tavs wrist and I start running (at a normal speed) with her following.

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