*Part 77*

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Hermy : Hey Harry, Ron?

Harry : Yes Hermy?

Ron : Hey best friends.

Harry : Who's the new dork?

Hermy : Huh? Who are you talking about?

Harry : The one that said hey to us. Cuz he obviously is not my bestfriend.

Ron : Come on Harry. You can't be still mad.

Harry : Why did you call me Hermy? I'm a very busy person you know.

Ron : Yeah Hermy. I'm very busy too you know.

Harry : Can the stranger over there please stop copying my words!!!!!!!

Ron : I am not a STRANGER!!! I am your best friend.

Harry : That was before you ruined my precious posters.

Ron : I already apologised for it. Why are you acting like a child? It was just a poster.

Harry : You did not just call me that. I am not a child and those posters happen to be my collection.

Ron : Of course you are. I'm not the one whinning about some stupid pictures.

Harry : THAT'S IT. I AM NEVER EVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN. Why did you call me Hermy?

*Hermy has logged out because Ron and Harry are immature idiots that fight for no reason.*

Ron : See even Hermy knows this is immature.

Harry : Is this stranger still here? Whatever I'm leaving.

*Harry has logged out.*

Ron : ;-(

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