*Part 59*

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Ron : Harry, Hermy I'm bored. Let's go to Hogsmeade.

Harry : Yeah I want to visit the Honeydukes. Its been ages since we went there.

Hermy : Alright then. I too need to buy some new quils.

Ron : Why do you need new quils? You bought one last month.

Harry : Guys can we just please go??

Hermy : I need someone to take care of Croockshanks.

*Voldy appears*

Voldy : What are you kids up to today.

Harry : Voldy is here. Great, Voldy can take care of Crookshanks.

Voldy : What??? I am The Dark Lord..I am not going to babysit a cat.

Ron : We will give you a cholcolate frog if you take care of Crookshanks Voldy.

Voldy : But I am allergic to cats

Harry : Are you serius?? You don't even have a nose.

Voldy : Fine I'll take care of the stupid cat. You owe me a chocolate frog for this Weasley.

*Hermy hands Crookshanks to Voldy *

Voldy : Arghh does he bite?

Hermy : *facepalm* Just make sure you don't let him out of your sight.

*Harry, Hermy and Ron go to Hogsmeade*

Voldy : *looks at Crookshanks* So, are you hungry??

Crookshanks : .......

Voldy : .........

Crookshanks : ........

Voldy : Okaaay...do you want to watch a movie with me???

Crookshanks : *hisss*

Voldy : I'll take that as a yes..

*Voldy puts on Spongebob Squarepants and sits beside Crookshanks*

*After 2 hours*

Voldy :Hahaha that is so funny isn't it kitty? *realises that Crookshanks is not there* Kitty where did you go??? Come back here now or else Weasley won't give me the chocolate frogs.

*Crookshanks gets angry because of the noise and scratches Voldy's face*

Voldy : Arghhh get off you stupid cat..You are ruining my beautiful face.

Hermy : Crookshanks get off of Voldy's face.

Harry : Hahaha Voldy you look so much better now.

Voldy : Stupid cat. Where is my chocolate frog Weasley?

Ron : Uhh what chocolate frog?

Voldy : I am going to kill you Weasley..I didn't go through this for nothing.

Hermy : Voldy can you take care of Crookshanks tonight too? I need to study for my exam.

Voldy : Aghhh *runs away*

Hey everyone do you like this chat?? I am running out of ideas for the chats..If any of you have anything that you want me to add please message me or post a comment..and don't forget to vote :-D

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