*Part 66*

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*Harry is back from his date and is going to help Ron with his sharing problem*

Harry : Hey Ron.

*Ron is staring at all the food that he cannot eat*

Ron : :-(  What do you want Harry?

Harry : I am going to help you with your problem now.

Ron : Really?? Finally I can eat. So what do I need to do?

Harry : Firstly take this pie and give it to everyone in the common room.

Ron : WHAT??!!? No way. Those are mine. I have been waiting to eat them and you want me to give them away? Are you crazy??

Harry : *facepalm* How else are you going to learn to share? If you want to eat the food, you have to share them first Ron.

Ron : *sobbing*  Fine I'll share. Goodbye my beautiful pie. Hey Dean would you like some pie?

Dean : What have you done with it? Did you put cannary cream or something on it?

Ron : I AM TRYING TO BE GENEROUS HERE!!! Take the pie now so that I can eat.

Harry : Ron.. You have to mean it when you share it.

Ron : Shut up Harry!! Isn't giving it away good enough? Why do I have to mean it?? I never want to give it away.

Harry : Fine whatever.. As long as you share and don't finish it by yourself.

Ron : There I have shared all the food with everyone. Now can I eat?

Harry : Let's go to The Great Hall and find out.

Find out in the next part what happens to Ron next.

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