*Part 42*

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Hermy : Can anybody tell me some good books to read? I have run out of books.

Harry : Just read something from the library Hermione.

Hermy : But I have finished reading everything from the library..I've even read all the books from the restricted section..:(

Ron : o.O I am seriously ashamed to call you my friend Hermione.

Hermy : Someone please give me some suggestions..

Dumbly : What about the Hunger Games Miss Granger? Did you read that?

Hermy : Umm no..Is it good??

Dumbly : Good?? It is awesome Miss Granger..I am suprised that you haven't read it

Draco : Noo!!! Hermione read the Twilight series..It is so much more fun.

Harry : You must be joking Malfoy.

Draco : No I'm not..It really is a great story.

Hermy : Really? What's it about?

Draco : It's about a beautiful teenage girl finding the love of her life..It's soo romantic *glassy eyes*

Hermy : That sounds interesting Draco.

Ron : o_O You've got to be kidding me. Hermione that book is about how a hundred year old sparkling vampire falls in love with a teenage girl with no emotions and no life..I can't believe you read that Malfoy.

Hermy : It sounds like crap hearing from Ron's point of view..Well I guess I'll go with the Hunger Games then.

Dumbly : Good choice Miss Granger.

Voldy : Noooo!!!! Ronald Bilius Weasley how dare you insult the Twilight series?? I am going to murder you!!!!

Ron : :O Please tell me you are not a twiheart Voldy Mouldy.

Voldy : I am Ginger..Got a problem with that?? Team Edward forever!!!

Ron : I have no reason to live anymore..The world's evelist wizard just admitted that he is a twilight fan.

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