*Part 48*

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The next morning in the great hall..Owls are bringing the usual posts..And.......

Harry, Dumbly, Snape & Draco: *scream like a little girl*

Ron *gasp*

Hermy : Spills pumpkin juice all over the Daily Prophet

Head news on the Daily Prophet :

"The Chosen One is gay???"

The chosen one 'Harry Potter' has finally confessed his love for a very handsome Slytherin boy 'Draco Malfoy'. *His father will certainly be hearing about this*. Much more surprising is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's headmaster 'Albus Dumbledore' and Potions Professor 'Severus Snape' have confessed their love for Potter which Potter has refused to accept. This is an embarassing event for the professors.This is a very shocking news for the whole wizarding world. Stay tuned for more information on The Daily Prophet.

Reported by : Rita Skeeter

Harry : How did she find out about this?? Ron!!! Did you tell her?

Ron : No!! Why would I ??


What is the meaning of this?? My son is dating a death eater's son?? This is outrageous!!!

Lily : Be nice James..Congratulations sweetie..As long as you are happy we are also happy..

Harry : Mom!!Dad!! How did you know about this?

Lily : We get the Daily Prophet in heaven

Harry : Is dad still angry mom?

James : *sulking*

Lily : *sigh* He'll come around..Don't worry Harry

Lucius : DRACO MALFOY!!!  The Dark Lord shall hear about this..This is an embarassment to the Death Eaters..How could you date The Boy Who Lived?? He is our enemy Draco..The Dark Lord will be angry when he hears this!!

Voldy : LOL *ROFL* This is the funniest thing ever!! Harry and Draco sitting in a tree

k-i-s-s-i-n-g Hahahaha

Lucius :*facepalm*

Hello everyone..I am so sorry for the late updates. The past few weeks were so stressfull..I had my mid term exams and tons of assignments to complete. I will post the next chapter as soon as I can..Don't forget to vote and comment :-D

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