*Part 60*

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Ron : Hey Harry what are you wearing to The Yule Ball?

Harry : Ugh I don't know..Maybe my quidditch robes

Hermy : ........

Harry : What?? What else am I suppposed to wear?? I don't have anything to wear

Voldy : You sound like a girl Potter.

Ron : You can wear my dress robes Harry :-D

Harry : Ugh no thanks Ron..I can't let Cho see me in that..I'll die of embarassment.

Voldy : Hey let's steal Snape's suit for Potter. That will suit you.

Hermy : That is actually a great idea Voldy. I must admit Snape has a good fashion sense.

Harry : I am not wearing anything that belongs to that slimy git.

Ron : Fine then you can wear my dress robes.

Harry : Alright lets go to Snape's bedroom.

*Voldy, Harry, Ron and Hermy arrive at Snape's bedroom*

*Snape is grading his student's papers*

Voldy : Hey my most devoted servant.

Snape : I am not your servant you git..I am a double agent.

Voldy : What did you said??

Snape : Ugh nothing My Lord.. What do you need master.

Voldy : I need one of your suits..Potter needs one for the Yule Ball.

Snape : What?? I am not giving my suits to anyone..They are all goblin made and they cost me a fortune.

Ron : Its only for one night and then Harry will return it.

*Ron goes to take Snape's suit*

Snape : NOOO!!!! 

*Ron takes a suit and sees there is something in the pocket*

Ron : *gasp* What is this?

Hermy : What is it Ron??

*Ron shows Hermy the picture that he found inside Snape's pocket*

Hermy : *gasp*

Harry : Guys show it to me too

*Ron shows it to Harry*

Harry : *gasp* OMG Snape how could you do this??

Voldy : Guys show it to me too.

Ron : Ugh I don't think you should see this Voldy.

Hermy : Its better for you not to see this Voldy.

Voldy : Accio picture

*Voldy gets the picture and screams like a little girl*

Voldy : Snape how can you do this?? I told you I have a crush on him :(

Snape : Ugh I am sorry My Lord..He is just too sexy..I couldn't help it..

Voldy : *Cries for his mommy and runs away*

Hermy : Why did you do this Snape?? You know Voldy likes him.

Snape : I like him too. :(

Any guesses on who's picture that might be guys?? I will give a dedication to whoever guesses the right answer first.

Vote and comment :-D

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