*Part 73*

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*Finally Hermy, Ron, Harry, Draco and Sirius reach the ghost house.*

Hermy : This place is really scary.

Ron : Yeah. Are those sceletons really moving?

Harry : Uhm guys. What is that thing above us.

Draco : Gahhh!!! Spiders!!! Get them away from me.

Sirius : Shut up you babies. It's not even that scary.

Ron : Ahhhhh!!! Spiders!!! Get them off!!

Hermy : Shut up Ron. It's not going to hurt you.

Harry : Uhmm why are they coming towards us then Hermy?

Sirius : OMG everyone run for your lives. They're real life acromantullas. AHHH!!!!!

Draco : Mummy save me!!

*Everyone panickly runs around hiding from those spiders.*

*Ron is trying to hide inside Hermy's bag.*

Hermy : Ron get away. This is a normal bag.

Ron : You're so stupid Hermy. Why didn't you use the spell you used last time to keep the whole library in your bag?

Hermy : That was important Ronald.

Ron : So is my life Hermy.

Draco : Shut up Weasley and mudblood. They're going to hear your stupid voices.

Ron : Who?

Harry : The spiders you idiot!!!

Ron : OMG i totally forgot about them. It's all your fault Hermy.
Now I'm going to die because of your stupid bag.

Sirius : SHUT UP RONALD WEASLEY!!! We all are going to die now because of your useless argument as usual.

*Everyone is panicking because of the acromantulas. Ron is hugging Hermy. Sirius is hiding under a table and Draco keeps on hiding behind Harry's back.*

Harry : Get away from me Malfoy.

Draco : No! If I die I want everyone to know my love for you Potter.

Everyone : O_o

Ron : Is this the time for you two to be romancing?

Harry : We are not romancing. Shut up Ron.

Fred : Hahahaha that was totally worth it.

George : You read my mind brother. Seeing Harry and Malfoy confessing their love for each other was totally worth catching the acromantullas.

Hermy : Wait. What do you mean?

Harry : We are not confessing our love for anyone!!

Fred : It means we are angry that we were not invited and wanted to get back at all of you.

Sirius : This is so childish.

Ron : Can everyone just shut up and tell me how to get away from these monsters?

George : Oh right I forgot about that.

*George is talking spider languange*

Draco : Uhmm what is Weasley doing?

George : I told the acromantullas to leave everyone else alone and to go after you only.

Draco : Ahhh mommy!!! *runs out of the ghost house*

Fred : Hahaha that idiot.

Ron : Lets go back to Hogwarts. I hate this place.

Hermy : Yeah I agree with Ron for once. This has been a terrible day.

Their miseries does not end here. Find out what happens next when they reach Hogwarts.

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