*Part 61*

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*Voldy is crying in his bedroom*

Ron : Ohh come on Voldy..Don't need to be upset over a small thing.

Voldy : That is not a small thing. I thought I told everyone to keep away from that boy. Why is everyone trying to steal my boyfriend?

Harry : Dude just find yourself a new boyfriend..By the way you two were not together so he is not your boyfriend.

Voldy : Shut it scar face. Fine if I can't have him nobody can.. I will kill him so that Snape will be miserable too..Mwahahaha

Hermy : Why do you love to hurt people Voldy?

Voldy : Well that is my job..Now I am going to plan my next murder..Get out everyone.

*During the Third Task of The Triwizard Tournament*

Voldy : Finally the day that I had been waiting for.

Cedric : Who's there?

Voldy : Come to die pretty boy..If I cannot have you, nodody can.

Cedric : What??? Voldy you like me??

Voldy : The whole world knows that.

Cedric : I didn't.

Voldy : Well too bad..You are going to die now..Avada Kedavra. Now Snape will be miserable too Mwahahaha

Harry : CEDRIC!!!! Voldy why did you kill him??

Voldy : Because everyone was trying to steal him from me..Now your turn Potter.

*Harry grabs the portkey and gets back to Hogwarts*

Now everyone knows who Voldy's crush was and why Cedric was killed.

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