• FIVE •

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Elise and I didn't cross paths for the rest of the morning, and I knew if she was finished with class she'd go and meet up with Vance.

I sulked a little as I was trying to put off the inevitable. 

So I had to woman up and pull myself together as I knew if I wanted to try to work things out with Patrick then only I could make that first step by going to find him.

Elise had told me exactly where he'd be but I hadn't exactly been there before.

I actually had to ask around a few times before some guys (after a lot of snickering and implying why a girl would ever go to a frat house) finally told me the address.

"Thanks assholes." I smiled before walking off.

After putting the address into my phone I found that the fraternity wasn't too far from the school.

I knew if I put anymore thought into it I would definitely overthink things so without thinking I took a deep breath and began walking.

As I walked I couldn't stop the thoughts that DID fill my head though.

'What am I doing?'
'What am I going to say?'
'What's he's going to say?'
'What if he tells me to leave?'
'I care too much for him.'
'Can I really be with him though?'
'What if he doesn't actually want to be with me like I thought?'
'What if it's too late?'

And as I found myself standing right In front of the door debating to knock or not only one though filled my head: 'why am I here?'

I was just about to back out of it all and leave...no one would know I had given up but me.

But luck has never been in my favor as suddenly the front door opened.

A couple of guys were leaving and one held the door open for me in a very gentleman like fashion.

I found it a little odd that neither of them asked me who I was or what I needed...but whatever maybe they're just use to seeing people come and go.

Then I remembered Elise said these are all Weres, they probably assumed I was there for someone specifically...more so, my mate.

I walked into the large mansion style home and gawked at my opulent surroundings.

It was hardly what someone would expect a fraternity to look like.

Where are the empty kegs, the beer pong tables, random girls panties covering tacky chandeliers? There were no horribly stained carpets or ghastly perverse posters demeaning women...I had come to the conclusion that I had seen waaaaaay too many movies.

Just then some guy walked in and he looked like he was having a little difficulty keeping all of his books in his hands.

Don't get me wrong he clearly looked more than capable of carrying the books weight (as his shirt was a little form fitting and showed off his muscles well), but the the way he had stacked them wasn't exactly the smartest.

"Woah...let me help you with those." I sounded as I went to help him.

"Oh no I'm good...really." He smiled

No sooner had his smile stretched across his face, it quickly disappeared as everything he was holding suddenly toppled to the side and everything fell.

I rushed over and immediately helped him.

"Thanks, you really didn't have to help." He said as I handed him the last of the books.

"It was nothing, to be honest I could tell they were going to fall otherwise I wouldn't have offered to help...clearly you're more than capable of carrying these all by yourself." I said rambling our of nervousness caused by the thought of seeing Patrick soon. "Sorry...I'm Mariah by the way."

Once more he smiled a very perfect smile "It's cool, and I'm Jon."

There was something about him that just read...superman.

It could've been his muscular build, his wavy dark hair, strong jawline, his very likable personality.

I realized quickly that I was staring and soon I had an embarrassing blush to match the awkward moment.

"Well now that you're all taken care of," I smiled once again. "Could you please tell me where I can find a house mate of yours...Patrick."

He placed his books down on a side table "You're here to see Patrick?" He asked. "Don't tell me you're his girlfriend or something."

I actually laughed, the term girlfriend didn't exactly come to mind when one thinks about Patrick. "No...more like old acquaintances."

He nodded, his arms now crossed.

"Well he's probably up in his room." He filled me in, "I'll take you up there...I'm headed that way myself."

He gathered his stuff and together he walked me toward an elevator, I was too awestruck to even notice what floor he had pressed.

The ride was short and when we reached the designated florr he stood in the doorway to stop it from closing before motioning to go on before him. "Ladies first." He smiled.

I moved and followed the length of hallway, we went a good ways down before he stopped, "this is me...Patrick's room is down at the end of the hall, but I just wanted to say thanks again Mariah, and it really was a pleasure meeting you."

I thanked him before he disappeared into his room and I continued on my way.

Everystep I took felt more pronounced, I felt like my heart would beat right out of my chest.

But that familiar antsy feeling filled me as I got closer and closer to his room.

Now standing in front of his room door I suddenly had more confidence. Like it was obvious I was suppose to be here...I knocked twice and waited.

I waited a minute and then actually knocked again...I was now feeling a little irritated, what if I psyched myself out for nothing, what if he wasn't even here?

I went to knock one more time before I decided I would call it a loss and leave, but that's when the door swung open wide...standing there with a sheet wrapped loosely around his waist was a very pissed off looking Patrick.

"WHA-...M- Mariah?"

His frustration died down immediately as curiousness and then fear filled his face.

I knew exactly what he had just been doing...but for validation I looked right behind him and saw a girl sitting in the bed, clutching a blanket to her bare chest.

My irritation had elevated to an anger so intense that I seriously wanted to do physical damage to the girl still sitting in the bed.


Patrick had gotten my attention once more, his eyes were almost pleading as he called my name, I could feel my eyes beginning to prick as my emotions were about to spill over. I looked up into his eyes and his eyes actually mirrored my own, as pure sadness filled them now.

"To think I came here to see if we could be together...I was such an Idiot..." I shook my head and whispered now, "I should've known better than to try to work things out with you."

"Mariah wait."

I continued to go, I was too angry to remember how to get to the elevator but found the stairs. I ran down the stairs as he continued to follow behind me...the whole thing seemed that much more dramatic as he still had the sheet draped around his waist, and I hated him even more because of it.

Why even chase me now...it was clear he could very easily move on from me...and I would just have to buckle down and do the same.

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