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I had heard when Mariah finally told Harper, I was proud of my mate for standing up for not only herself but our relationship. I was also glad that she didn't have to carry the secret any longer so that would reduce her stress level and I'd be able to show her off like I've wanted to from the beginning.

I also picked up on the fact the Vivienne seemed extremely happy to me finding my mate...no doubt she was also getting the disgusting rumors thrown at her that we had been sleeping together, as if I would ever do that with someone who was going to be family. She must've found relief, with Mariah around now, maybe people would drop it.

I escorted Mariah over to my mother and she positioned us to her liking before we stood there and smiled.

I couldn't pretend that I wasn't a really fucking excited to be having family photos taken alongside my mate. My wolf beamed with pride that not only my mom loved her but my new step-sister seemed to like her as well, and Sean...well even if he didn't like her I suppose he'd never actually speak up to say otherwise.

The rest of the celebration went more or less the same, occasionally I'd have my mate taken from me by my Mom or Vivienne, of course I had no hope of hanging out with Mariah once Elise arrived...and I also noticed that Braxton conveniently made up an excuse that pulled he and his mate away from the party. 

I watched as the two girls escaped out the backdoor, soon Vance joined me.

"Hey man." I sounded as he approached. He handed me a beer and I took it willingly.

"I'm glad to see you here with Mariah."

I shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. "Just glad she's willing to give us a shot."

He nodded, "Ellie was telling me that you two have had a roadblock in a certain future Luna."

I took a drink of the beer and shook my head, "she's just gonna have to deal with it...Mariah told her everything today, no doubt she even more pissed than before."

We talked a while longer and thankfully the girls returned shortly after. I danced with my mate and held conversations with various partygoers. Mariah was all smiles as she interacted with everyone.

"I'll be back." She said as she placed a sweet kiss onto my cheek, "restroom." She explained.

I nodded and knew we'd be leaving soon. I began to tell people bye and noticed a few minutes had passed and Mariah hadn't returned. I pushed my worry to the side and found Elise and Vance. No sooner had I reached them did mariah finally come back to my side. I could feel that something was bothering her but she smiled and started talking to Elise.

"Hey we're gonna head out." Vance said.

"Us too man...thanks for coming out." I said.

After telling my mom bye I drove us back to her house, I noticed she was quieter than usual.


I laid down in her bed feeling exhausted, I carefully watched her as she moved about her own room gracefully.

It was a marvel to watch her.

She could take something so ordinary as undoing her hair from the confines of a braid and running her fingers through her now loose curls, and all I could see was the artistry behind it. The way the light shining through her windows had touched her hair, making her naturally dark hair lighten with various multitudes of brown. The soft padded steps of hers as she moved around, always on the balls of her feet as if in constant tip-toe formation. Her knack of biting the inside of her lower lip when she found herself in full on concentration, like she was currently doing.

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