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"You told Braxton!" I shouted, not giving a damn that Braxton was in fact standing right next to us.

I was pissed.

"It's really not that big of a deal to go run and tell your Alpha."

Braxton smirked.

Patrick looked at me pleadingly, "why aren't you getting that this IS a big deal...you are my mate and I will do anything I can to protect you."

"From what?" I asked.

"We don't know who's doing this or the extent in which they'll take this." Braxton sounded as he stepped in closer to Patrick and I. "The fact of the matter is someone is harassing you and leaving these weird gifts in odd places, do either of you have any ideas as to what the 'gifts' mean?"

"They're both baby items." Patrick put in.

Braxton shrugged, "if you two are expecting, then there's even more reason for concern."

I looked at Patrick worried, he seemed a little shocked.

"Are you...pregnant?" He asked carefully.

I shook my head, "not to my knowledge...I have been on birth control since I was fifteen, I highly doubt I'm pregnant."

Braxton shrugged, "I'm no doctor but I'd suggest you both go to the doctor and find out for sure, at least it'll be one thing you won't have to worry about."

I looked at Patrick once again, "I'll make an appointment later this afternoon."

"Now then," Braxton continued, "I'm going to need one of your shirts as well as one of your brothers shirts, just leave them on porch and I'll do a search." He said before walking out the front door.

I thought it was kind of odd but I didn't bother questioning him. I went and got one of franks shirts first and then moved to grab one of my own shirts, Patrick took them from me and put them outside alongside the box of pacifiers.

"He'll shift and take in yours and your brothers scents, if he picks up any other scents he'll have something to go on when we try and find whoever's doing this." Patrick filled me in.

The whole thing took about three minutes before Braxton returned, t-shirts in hand. "Only other thing I could pick up was flowers...so whoever is doing this was smart and wore a heavily floral perfume to mask their actual scent." Braxton informed us. "In the mean time I want you to stay at the pack house."

"What...no." I said. "I'm not fixing to change my entire life because some asshole wants to pull a few pranks."

"Mariah this is for your safety and well being, remember you are under pack protection, this falls under my jurisdiction now and until we can find who's doing this I won't allow you to be unprotected." Braxton said with more authority than ever before.

"This is bullshit." I said in defeat, I hated looking weak. "You know this is probably exactly what they want, they want to scare me and make me feel like I'm not safe."

Patrick stepped towards me so that he was within arms reach, I hugged him and he rubbed my back as he talked into my hair, "I'll stay with you, we can have dinner with Frank here, whatever makes this transition easier for you Duchess."

I sighed, "I guess I should pack some clothes."


"All settled in?" Patrick asked as he walked into the room, a tray of food in hand, "I didn't know what you'd be in the mood for but I made us some sandwiches.

I offered him a smile, to be honest I wasn't really in the mood to eat, but I appreciated his efforts.

"What if I'm being watched?" I asked more than a little worried now, sure I tried to be all tough and pretend this wasn't a big deal...truth is I'm scared and not just for myself. "I'm scared they'll find me here and do something to you."

He set the food down and took a seat on the small loveseat in the room, he pat his leg and I took a seat on his lap.

"If they are watching I hope they know you're with me, I want whoever is doing this to see that no matter what I'll always be there to protect you Duchess, you're my mate and I love you and I'll be damned if I let someone fuck with my girl."

My heart was racing but I smiled, I tried to remain as cool as possible, "I-I'm gonna call my doctor and set up an appointment."

He shook his head, "you gotta call Dr Pollock's office, you know what I'll call for you, try and rest, you look a little pale."

He left the room, Patrick literally just admitted to loving me and it wasn't even a big deal to him...how can he be so cool about something that big?

Maybe it isn't a big deal to him.

Is love as big a deal to werewolves as it is to humans?

Why am I freaking out more about this than potentially having a vengeful stalker?

I took his advice and laid down, but lying in his bed wasn't the same without him in it. Thankfully he returned shortly.

"You have an appointment today at one with Dr Limmons." He smiled as he got into the bed, he immediately cuddled against me, my back against his chest.

"I love having you in my arms." He admitted easily.

"Speaking of love." I said boldly. "Do you realize you've confessed your love for me twice already?"

He kissed my shoulder, "is that a problem for you?"

"No," I admitted, strange as it was. I somehow knew that I wasn't weirded out by it, I was more concerned for his blasé attitude towards it. "It's just...well it's kind of a big thing for me."

"Duchess I'm not expecting you to say it just because I've said it, I know we're moving really fast and for me I know I love you more than I've loved anything partially because you're my mate, but mostly because of the woman you are...it's a big thing for me too, I'd never have expected I'd be as sappy as I am over a girl who's so stubborn and irritating, but you're strong willed tenacity is only a small thing on the rather long list of things I love about you."

My heart fluttered, I turned to face him.

I kissed him gently. "I think I can learn to love you."

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