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That night Patrick and I stayed up talking about letting people know that I am pregnant and just becoming more familiar with the fact that we were going to be parents.

"The girls know," I confessed, "I had to talk about it with someone and I didn't want to break the news to you over the phone."

He nodded, "That's fine, honestly in all fairness I think we should let the guys know too, I mean if we don't tell Brax and Vance their mates run the risk of slipping up and telling them and then they'd feel guilty."

I could see where he was coming from so I agreed.

Together we decided that he could tell both Vance and Braxton but other than that We would not to tell anyone until we had a proper appointment with the Doctor.

So first thing the next morning I called Dr Limmons and she pulled some strings and got me a screening first thing even though it was a Sunday.

She decided to perform a transvaginal ultrasound to get a more in depth look as to what was going on.  

"Everything looks fine, and judging by the measurements I'd say you're at 7weeks, so roughly just over a month." She smiled before pointing at the screen. "If you look here at this little dark blip on the screen...that is your baby, it's about the size of a blueberry."

"That's tiny." Patrick put in, in awe.

"It is." She laughed. "But the embryo will grow quickly.

"How soon will I begin showing?" I asked curiously.

At this she gently shrugged, "every female is different and every pregnancy is different so unfortunately there is no definitive answer but most women begin to have small baby bumps between 2 and a half and 4 months."

"And when will we be able to find out what we're having?" He asked.

"Again it's just a rough estimate, but around 5 months if your baby is being cooperative... some babies are camera shy and don't angle their bodies well enough for us to capture the sex."

She concluded the ultrasound by excusing herself while I got back into my underwear and pants.

Once she returned it was to give me a some pictures from the images she'd shown us as well as a prescription for prenatal vitamins "and try and get as much water and rest as you can, it'll help energize your body as pregnancy can be quite draining."

I nodded.

"Do you have any questions for me?" She asked.

Big mistake, soon I was firing off every hypothetical situation, voicing my every single worry and confusions: "can i still sleep on my stomach, I mean it's the most comfortable for me...and what about sex, is it pretty much a no go from here on out until the baby is born...like will it hurt the baby?" In and on I went and I could see that she was taking in all of my words and I quickly apologized.

"No apologies necessary, you're a new mom and I'm glad for the questions, it shows me that you care...that being said you don't want to do anything too strenuous on your body, if you're a runner and that's what you're use to then you'll be fine to continue running, sex is also fine and perfectly natural, as for sleeping on your stomach I don't see any reason not to sleep on your stomach so long as you're comfortable...trust me, your body will speak to you and it's your new job to listen to your body, so if you find yourself tired, take a break and sit for a breather or have a nap." She said knowingly.

"That will be the classic rule of thumb from here on out...listen to your body, and If for some reason you feel pain during sex then of course stop and make a visit and we can see what's going on...but I assure you woman still have sex while pregnant...many even find their sex drives increase due to the increased hormones."

"And what about heartburn or nausea?" I asked.

"It's true that some women suffer from bouts of 'morning sickness' and sometimes it's worse than others...if you feel it becomes unbearable, again, come see me and I can see about giving you a prescription to help lessen the reaction to pregnancy."

We talked a little more, both Patrick and I asking her question after question.

"When can we tell our families?" He asked.

"When you tell your families is your own decision, some women wait until after their first trimester just to ensure they've past that initial 'danger zone' so to speak."

"Danger zone?" I wondered out loud, a little afraid now.

"The danger zone is what some call the first trimester, and it's only because that is when the baby is most fragile and the mother is more likely to have a miscarriage, but my dear I assure you everything seems perfectly fine with both you and the baby so I ardently ask you not to worry and stress about anything."

I had to admit that hearing that immediately worried and stressed me a little, but she was right, I shouldn't be thinking the worst when I have no real cause for concern.

"If that's all then I'll give you my card, if you think of anything else please feel free to give me a call anytime and I'll happily try and help you as best I can.

"Now, I know your due date won't be until May but when you feel ready I would suggest you and Patrick going by the hospital to set up your labor and delivery plan...you don't want to wait until the day of labor, you'll be in a lot of pain and you'll only have the baby on your mind...going beforehand gives you the chance to fill out all the paperwork and insurance information, it will also give you a chance to sit down with one of the doctors to discuss birthing options and plans."

It was understandable. We thanked her and left shortly after.

"So your call Duchess, where to next?"

I liked the idea of getting everything done with the hospital so we stopped there first, got everything squared away and then went to see the house that Patrick had told me about.

"Are you sure you want to live here Blue Eyes?" I asked with concern, I remember he mentioned that this was the place his dad moved to after his parents divorced.

"I'm fine, and I want my family to have the best life...this house is in a good neighborhood and there's plenty of space."

I nodded my head, the house was close to
The outskirts of town but in a very prominent neighborhood, all of the homes were on the larger side. When we finally pulled up to a house I got out of the car in awe.

"This...P-Patrick this is too much for just us."

He shook his head, "nonsense, the good thing is that we're kinda away from everyone so we'll have our privacy but no one is too far away that if we need them they can't come right over." He stated, "Well do you like it?"

"I mean it's definitely gorgeous, can we go in?"

He led me inside the two story house and just like the outside, the inside was just as grand and roomy. We walked around as neither of us had ever been in there, we found it was a four bedroom home that had three and a half bathrooms, an open floor plan for a majority of the first floor with the exception of the master suite (which was the only room located downstairs).

"That's the only thing I can find a little troublesome." I sounded concerned. "The stairs..."

"Yeah I can't imagine having the baby upstairs while we're downstairs." He added.

My heart melted a little to hear his concern over our unborn child. "We could let the baby stay with us until it would need it's own room...then we could use baby gates to make sure the baby doesn't hurt itself on the stairs."

He kissed my head, "so when do you want to move in?"

My heart raced a little. "I-I think I have to talk with Frank first." I said, "maybe we should go tell our families now."

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