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I tried my best to ignore Elise throughout class, even went so far as to sit away from her. But when class ended that long legged gazelle caught up to me.

"You can't run from me forever Ry...we both know what I saw." She said almost giddy with elation.

"I thought you didn't like him?"

She shrugged, "just because I don't like him doesn't mean I'm not happy that you're finally together."

I shook my head, "we're not together."


"Here comes Harper, can we drop this?" I hissed.

She gave me a very determined look, "for now."

Once Harper came over she smiled "hey girls...so I've just talked to Braxton and he's going to be away for the weekend, I'm thinking we need an old fashion sleep over."

"Ya know...I couldn't agree more." Elise sounded evilly as she threw her arm around my shoulders.

I knew there was no way I'd be able to avoid getting out of this. "Sounds like fun." Under normal circumstances I knew it would be fun, just three best friends hanging out all night...what didn't sound like fun was Elise interrogating me all while trying to keep this from Harper.

"Great, I hate to think about staying in that huge house by myself."

While Harper's father worked hard I'd hardly call their house huge, "wait, did you move in with Braxton?" I asked.

She blushed and nodded.

"When did this happen?" I asked a little surprised.

"Um last weekend...Val helped since I didn't exactly have much to move in the first place...just clothes really."

"Well that's cool, you and your Man under one roof now...I bet Braxton's happy about that?"

She ignored my question and jumped right into the next topic. "Ooh I've been meaning to ask, how'd that date with Jon Bishop go?" She smiled. "I saw him at the pack house the other night...-"

She slipped up and I looked at Elise, she'd heard it too.

"Pack house?" I asked knowing that the pack house is where members of the pack can live if they need a place to stay or feel like they're too old to live with their parents...it's also the shelter point for the pack in case of emergencies.

Every since Braxton Gave the green light on me knowing about the Weres, Elise had telling me EVERYTHING.

But damn Harper for being too damn smart and correcting herself so damn smoothly. "Yeah the PAK Fraternity house." She said with a 'duh' sort of expression.

She's good, and I knew slipping her up wouldn't be easy now.

I shook my head, "I haven't talked to him since then...and honestly I don't want to talk about him."

She looked like she wanted to question me about it but she knew better than to ask me.

"I'll see y'all later." Elise sounded as she answered a call presumably from Vance as she smiled mischievously.

We all said bye, I grabbed something to eat to hold me over until tonight, no doubt we'd fill up on junk food like old times.

After a while I packed and overnight bag and headed out to Braxton's house...of course I'd only been here once (for Elise's wedding), But we all knew where he lived...and if you didn't know the actual address, all you had to do was look for the biggest house on the block.

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