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I couldn't believe Harper would talk so bad about me to Mariah.

Okay yes we have a past and I was a complete dick to her, but to bad mouth me to my mate, I haven't done shit to her since middle school and here we are in College and she's still hellbent on bringing it up every chance she gets.

To be honest I thought she sorta dropped it when she got with Braxton, guess I was wrong.

I knew I had fucked up back then and I've apologized a few times for it...I honestly didn't know what Harper wanted me to do to make things better between us.

I sighed heavily as I looked at my phone, it hadn't even been a full five minutes since I hung up with Mariah and yet I already wanted to talk to her again.

But I guess I'd have to do more than just get emotionally connected with her. First I'd have to repair some of the damages I'd caused, and I suppose I'd have to try once again to fix shit with Harper.

I was about to get up to go for a run when I got a text.

[Mariah: So looking for an exit...]

I smiled, seems as if I wasn't the only one who was beginning to feel the effects of our Mates Pull strengthening.

[Patrick: Just say you have to go.]

[Mariah: Can't]
[Mariah: H would make me feel guilty and Ellie would know I was lying]

I shook my head, I had to respect the fact that she cares for her friends so much...but not right now, not when both my Wolf and I need her.

[Mariah: Not to mention your cousin keeps the place like Fort Knox...why the hell does a werewolf need a security system?!]

I rolled my eyes.

[Patrick: He's an Alpha, they're paranoid by nature...enjoy your night with your friends Duchess, but tomorrow night's all mine.]

I had decided to sort of ease her worry about trying to meet up, I knew there was no way she'd be able to leave her friends in good conscience or sneak out...but at least this way I'd set up a rendezvous for the following night.

[Mariah: Well then...I guess goodnight]
[Mariah: Try not to think about me too much Blue Eyes.]

I smiled, there was the sassy girl I was getting to know better.

[Patrick: Maybe once or twice in the shower]

[Mariah: Perv]

[Patrick: Only for you Duchess]
[Patrick: Sleep well.]

I knew that'd be the end of texting her for the night, I decided to call it a night too.


The next morning I went over to my mom's for breakfast of course Vivienne was already there, and she looked quite at home as she walked around in pajamas.

"Where's my mom?" I asked as I watched her sit on the sofa with a small bowl of fruit.

"Upstairs getting ready."

"I see you've settled in." I sounded as I took a seat on the opposite sofa.

When my mom and Sean started dating they moved really fast, over the summer they agreed they should move in together and since they were moving in together they should just get married...something I wasn't a hundred percent for.

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