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I couldn't work up the courage to talk with my Brother and tell him what was going on and before I knew it a couple of weeks had passed. I knew if I didn't tell him soon I'd begin showing and he'd figure it out and possible be angry with me not telling him.

So I took the initiative one day and stayed home all day, this way I was guaranteed to run into him sooner or later.

"Hey little sis..." Frank sounded as he let himself into the house close to nine o'clock that evening. "I feel like I haven't seen much of you lately." He chuckled as he got a beer out of the refrigerator.

I feigned laughter, "so I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh great, you're not getting married are you?" He asked playfully.

I shook my head, "not exactly...but I was thinking about moving in with Patrick."

"Thinking about?" He asked, "or have you already decided?"

My face heated up a little, "yeah we've already got a place...and there's more."


I took in a deep breath, and decided to take a lighter approach, "looks like you're going to be an uncle."

He just looked at me for more than a solid minute, "are you shitting me?"

"No Frank, I'm serious."

"How can you be so careless, I mean...didn't you just tell me that you and Pat were being careful?" He asked, I didn't expect him of all people to get so bent out of shape about this news. I mean it's not like he's the walking poster boy for abstinence.

"Well shit happens, and yes I was on birth control but it isn't one hundred percent effect...either way, I'm having a baby, I'm moving out, and I was hoping you'd be good with it but if you're not that's your deal, I'm not going to try and sway your opinion, this is just me letting you know what's going on."

"When are you moving out?" He asked.

I shrugged, "we've got a place, we were just trying to let our families know first."

"Look, I'm not pissed Ry...I'm not exactly thrilled but it's more of a shock to the system ya know, I mean...damn it Mariah, your whole life was ahead of you."

"And it still is." I cut in. "Patrick will make sure that I finish school and that our lives aren't any different than what we initially planned."

"And what exactly do you two have planned, you guys getting married and all?"

I shook my head, "I want to get married on our terms, not just because people think we should just because we're having a baby."

He nodded, "then I guess all we have left to do discuss our options."

"There isn't anything to discuss, I'm keeping my baby."

He shook his head and smiled, "I understand that, what I meant is...I moved back here because mom passed and I didn't want to leave you hanging, trying to live out here by yourself, especially so soon after it happened."

"Oh...but your job?"

He shrugged, "I transferred from Cali and I'm sure I can transfer back, our biggest concern would be the house, it'd be up to you if you would want to sell or keep the house."

"Mom left you the house." I corrected.

"This is your house no matter what the paperwork says, you grew up here, I didn't and that was my choice."

I was in awe, "what would I even need with another house?"

"Realistically speaking, shit happens...I know you and Pat are all head over heels right now but you never know what the future holds, I think It'd be smart to hold onto it."

I didn't know how to tell my brother that Patrick and I are sort of a forever couple due to the fact that the soon to be father of my child is a werewolf and I'm his mate.

"I-I would hate to keep the house and have it cause friction between Patrick and I...he could take it as me not willing to commit to our relationship fully."

He nodded, "so then rent it out."

"Rent out the house?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah," he said cooly. "Look people do it all the time, own property and rent it to other people, preferably families, this way you have the house if you need, you'd have to give the tenants 30 day notice of course, but the silver lining it's a monthly income...and I know with being a student and later on, a new mom...working might not be an option for you right away, this will allow you to focus on school and the baby all while still getting a source of steady income."

I nodded along, "that doesn't sound too bad."

"Of course as the owner of the house you'd be responsible for any and all damage repairs so that's the only downside really."

"I'm sure Patrick could help with that...otherwise I know my friend Elise's husband is pretty handy around their house, I know Vance wouldn't mind helping us."

"I didn't know your friend was married." He sounded, his expression was one of confusion?

I was sure I had mentioned Elise's wedding at some point? "Yeah remember I came back early for my friends wedding, that was Elise."

He nodded, "A-anyways, I'll set up an appointment with an attorney and have them draw up the documents stating I'm giving my claim to the house solely to you, you'll have to go in and sign off on it but I'm sure it'll be a whole official process."

"Will you really go back to California?"

He nodded once more, "like I said, I'm sure I can get my old spot back at work, I've got a few clients under my belt that I know will give me a little leeway back into that specific division...probably try and get another beachside condo."

As I listened to his words I couldn't help but feel grateful, some people (like my brother) wanted these flashy lifestyles but it was right then and there that I realized none of that mattered to me anymore.

I could do without upscale apartments and luxurious cars if it meant I could have Patrick and our baby.

My mind soon trailed to thoughts of the baby, I wondered if it would be a boy or a girl, if it would look more like Patrick or myself, nursery themes for boys and girl, color schemes, and soon Frank was telling me goodnight and I was left alone to wonder even more.

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