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"And you don't know who she was?" Elise asked.

I shook my head feeling idiotic, I should've asked that girl her name or something. Of course Harper had told Elise everything so her first stop this morning was stopping me and questioning me about last night, too bad I found myself also confessing to my first fight with Patrick since he's marked me.

"I've never seen her before, but Ellie, the worst part was the fight it caused between Patrick and I last night...he legit was going to leave, and it hurt like crazy." I admitted as I got a little emotional rethinking the situation that played out last night, Patrick knew I was lying to him and the hurt in his eyes was almost unbearable. "What if he would've left for good?"

She shook her head and pulled me into a hug, "he can't just leave like that, he cares about you...plus you're marked so it'd be super freaking hard for him to just take off on you."

A throat cleared and it caused Elise and I to pull apart.

"Hey." I said.

She smiled a weak sort of smile, "can I just start off by saying I've been a complete ass."

I couldn't help but laugh a little, Harper isn't known for being someone who cusses often.

She held out a small white bag, "a peace offering."

I took it and found my favorite muffins from the diner, Elise helped herself to one."You mean to tell me, that you wouldn't hear me out all month, and I had to stand there and listen to you trash my mate over and over again, and you think some muffins will make up for it?"

"Mariah I am so sorry" she said, "I genuinely wish I could go back and take back everything I've said and done these past few weeks...I really wish you had told me the full truth from the beginning."

""If you spoke to your mate then you should know why I couldn't tell you...as For not tell you about Patrick and I...I honestly tried but you were to busy trying to tell me how to live my own life to stop and listen."

"I let your comments about Patrick get to me and yes I was petty, Patrick even told me to tell you and by that point I felt like you didn't deserve to know." "M, I thought I was over everything from middle school...and yes Patrick's apologizes a few times now...but-""But?" I asked. She sighed, "I'm trying okay...it's not easy to just suddenly be friends with the guy who messed with my head 3years out of my life."I felt like a bich now. "Can we agree to try and move forward from here on out?" I asked. "I'm not expecting you to be his best friend but I also can't change that we're mates."Harper nodded and offered me a small smile now.

"So at the risk of sounding nosey, can I ask how you and Patrick are?"

"Things with Patrick and I are still working themselves out."

She nodded, "again I am super sorry and I want you to know that if you need to talk to me about ANYTHING please don't feel like you have to keep it to yourself."

This time I pulled her into a hug "it's okay...Hey I'll see you later, I'm gonna stop by my locker to put this muffin away for later."

"Elise and I are going that way anyways." Harper sounded, "plus there's something I've been meaning to tell both of you."

I nodded and we began to walk.

"Do either of you think it's weird that a college has lockers?" Elise suddenly asked.

I shrugged, "I haven't given it much thought."

"Most colleges and universities don't, but this college use to be the old highschool before the one we went to was built, so structurally they kept most of it how it was and spruced up things here and there." Harper filled us in.

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