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"I'd love to." I said as I tried to ignore my mother standing beside me basically gushing over the fact that Mariah had asked me to dinner tonight. "What time should I come over?"

I was pumped, and my wolf was fully awake, he leap with pride at Mariah calling us her mate...unfortunately humans can't have Mates but I could care less, she's my mate so I'd be her mate if that's what she felt comfortable calling me.

"Uh...well not too soon, I'm probably gonna shower and then head over to the market to pick up some groceries so I can impress you with my culinary skills."

"Culinary skills huh?"

"Yeah you know, opening the can of ravioli, nuking it in the microwave...if you're lucky I'll throw in some toast."

I laughed a little, she's cute when she tries to be unimpressive...too bad she could literally do nothing and I'd still be drawn to her and find beauty in it.

"Ask to see her." My mom whispered like a mad woman.

"Well if you want, I have this thing that I'm doing with the frat this afternoon but I should be done around 2...how about maybe catching a movie with me and afterward we can hit up the grocery store together and I can help you fix dinner, this way you won't have to cook all alone."

My mom looked stunned, every since I was a kid I hated going to the grocery store, and I've never so much as tried to boil water before.

"Yeah we can do that...I guess just text when you're finished with the frat guys and I'll be ready."

"Great." I said a little too enthusiastically, I shook my head and rolled my eyes at my own patheticness.

She giggled, "See ya later Blue Eyes."

"Yeah, later." Again I could have thrown my phone...could I seriously not come up with something more original or seductive, but instead I ended the conversation with 'yeah, later?'

My mom was smiling at me, "oh sweetheart, we've got a lot of work to do to prepare you for tonight."

"Mom I really do have a PAK meeting I have to attend, mostly it's just because Braxton's coming to the house."

She waved it off, "your cousin won't mind...text him."

I wondered if he really would let me skip the meeting.

[Patrick: Hey, I know we have that meeting this afternoon but my mate actually wants to hang out.]

[Braxton: That is a shock]

I rolled my eyes, I hadn't meant it that way.

[Braxton: go ahead nothing too important, just mostly ground rules about maintaing the Frat house...we'll catch up later in the week.]

[Patrick: Thanks Alpha]

After that my mom went into full on mom-mode.


I pulled up to her house and got out of my car. I had to pull out all the stops to impress my mate, so shooting her a text saying 'I'm here' wouldn't cut it.

I walked up their sidewalk and went right up to the door, I rang the door bell and waited.

I didn't have to wait long as soon the door was opened.

But instead of finding a smiling Mariah I was greeted by a confused looking guy, my wolf immediately became defensive.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

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