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Of course Patrick wouldn't say it again and I refused to bring it up at all, after the bath he laid down.

"I'm honestly exhausted." He said with a yawn as he got into bed, "would I sound like too much of a bitch if I admit that this is all I've been looking forward to today?" He smiled.

I got into bed with him and snuggled right into his side, "you've been looking forward to my bed?" I asked playfully, "or were you looking forward to having strands of my hair in your face, me kicking you in your sleep, or maybe...you were looking forward to my cold feet on your legs."

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "no you little pest...I was looking forward to having you in my arms, just me and you with zero criticism."

I picked up on the slightly angry comment at the end.

"I'm going to tell her as soon as she'll let me talk to her." I said, "I promise."

He sighed, "it's okay Duchess, take your time...for now I'll continue to enjoy your company in silence."


The next morning the both of us must've been extremely tired and too comfortable as we woke up later than we intended.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

I grumbled and pulled my phone from the nightstand, "oh shit its already 11:47!" I said jumping out of bed. His mom had requested we arrive no later than 12pm for pictures.

Something I wasn't too sure about, seeing as Patrick and I are still relatively new at this whole relationship thing. But his mother insisted and who am I to begrudge a bride on her wedding day?

Patrick was up almost as fast as I was, we both went into the restroom and started getting ready. We brushed our teeth together and then while I braided my hair (there was no time to straighten it) Patrick shaved.

While I would miss the scruff today I couldn't deny that he looked just as handsome clean shaven, and much more respectable as well.

When he styled his hair I finished up my makeup and soon we were both getting dressed. 

I slipped into my heels and grabbed my gift as he finished up with his tie and jacket, soon we were on our way, once in the car we found it was exactly 12, we'd be late.

"I hope your mother isn't too upset with us showing up late." I sighed.

I'm suppose to be making a good impression and it wasn't off to a good start, granted I had met her once before...but that was a confined space and we were around Harper.

We pulled up to the house and Patrick and I darted from the car, we composed ourselves before he let us in, of course his mother and her new husband greeted us warmly.

"I'm so sorry we're late, we overslept." I apologized.

She brushed my words away. "I know my son so I told you to come at 12 knowing the photographer would still be setting up." She smiled knowingly.

"This is for you." I said, she took the gift and then left us to put it alongside the other gifts and to instruct the photographer where she wanted the photos to be taken.

Patrick introduced me to his new stepfather Sean, he seemed like a nice kind man, though a man of little of words. Shortly after his daughter joined us, I remember her from Elise's wedding and I remember how pissed I was to see him there with her.

That same anger began to rise but I knew better than to act out.

He must've picked up on my growing anger as he rubbed my back a little upon her approach and placed a chaste kiss on my head, "Duchess this is my new step sister Vivienne, Viv this is my mate Mariah."

She smiled a rather stunning smile before pulling me into an unexpected hug, "it's so nice to meet you."

Her words and actions seemed surprisingly genuine.

We talked amongst ourselves for a while longer before a relative of Vivienne's pulled her and her father away.

"I'll be right back Duchess, I have to find us something to eat because I'm starving" He said before he kissed me.

But I wasn't left alone for too long.

"What are you doing here?" I heard.

I turned to find Harper and Braxton.

I was honestly shocked, "I could ask you the same thing." I finally voiced. "Weren't you suppose to be out of town."

Braxton shrugged but spoke up, "family outweighs frivolous trips, so here we are."

"Yeah, family." Harper put in.

I was actually taken back at her attitude, but if she wanted to take it there then so could I.

"Harper." Braxton sounded softly as he took her hand into his, "It's good to see you again Mariah."

But neither of us were paying him any attention now.

"Funny" I said cooley, "I don't remember you two getting married."

"What are you doing here Mariah?" She asked, clearly upset but choosing to ignore my remark. "...and I hope you didn't come with that jerk Patrick."

"Harper that's enough." Braxton sounded a little sadly.

I sighed, I had enough of her belittling of Patrick and her newfound constant attitude, "Harper I'm sick of this whole new superiority complex you've suddenly developed...not that it's any of your business who I date or don't date for that matter...but Patrick and I are mates." I finally confessed. "Look, I know you don't like him, and given his past he hasn't exactly built the best reputation for himself...but we're both serious about us and our relationship, so I'd appreciate it if you could understand...and if for some reason you can't accept us then I'm sorry but we don't need that kind of negativity surrounding us."

It was hard to read her expression, to be honest she looked both upset yet confused.

"So you know?" She asked.

I nodded (assuming she was talking about Weres), "I know everything."

"How long have you been mates with Patrick?" She asked still trying to figure us out.

I shrugged, "every since I met him last year...of course I had to take off and then he left but now that we're here together we're trying to give this a real shot, of course Ellie is ecstatic." I put in as I recalled how annoying Ellie had in fact been in trying to get us together.

"Elise knows?!"

I nodded, "she's known the longest and by extension so does Vance

"Who else knows?"

"Well, Patrick told his mom and his step-father and step-sister know as well now... and Braxton, and just last week we told my brother, but he only thinks we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

She looked at me and then back at Braxton.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked hurt now.

"You didn't exactly give me an opportunity what with you throwing insults at him and trying to tell me how to live my life before suddenly giving me the cold shoulder."

"Mariah." Patrick sounded from a distance, I turned to find him coming right over. "You all set Duchess...my mother's ready for the photos."

I nodded and offer him a smile before turning back to face Harper and Braxton, "I don't know what else I can do or say to get you to understand that this is my life...and I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I'm not sorry that Patrick and I are mates...if you'll both excuse us." I said as politely as possible.

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