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I walked up the stairs, no one stopping me or bothering to talk to me as most of the people from the party had already left.

I let myself into the room and tried hard to hold my composure as I saw Patrick lying on the bed, eyes closed...bloody and already starting to bruise. I noticed his leg was bandaged as well and figured that was the pain and weakness I was feeling in the office.

"I assume you are his mate?" An elderly man asked.

I nodded, "Mariah Van Buren." I said as I held my hand out to him

He gave me a slight smirk and shook my hand in return, "I am Doctor Pollock, your mate was attacked tonight, it seems two females were out for revenge, and your mate, their target."

'Two girls?'

He nodded, "now the initial attack found your mate being speared by one of them knocking the wind from him and breaking a couple of ribs in the process considering he was in his weaker human form...the second attacked the leg, this is most difficult of the attacks as the individual tore through muscle structures as well as bone deposits...the ribs are a clean break so will heal perfectly over a couple of days...it's the leg that I'm more concerned with."

"How so?"

He sighed, "to speed up recovery we Weres shift into our wolves, but since our muscle structure differs from our wolves muscle
Structure...Patrick could do more damage than good if he shifts, it will not help that his wolf will be begging him to shift as its his natural instinct to do so."

"So he'll basically have to heal like a full human, casts and rest?" I asked for clarification."

He nodded, "and he won't like one minute of it."

"It's not for him to like, it's for him to get better." I said with a stern matter of fact sound as I looked at his sleeping form.

Once again he nodded before he left us, promising to be back within the hour to begin casting the leg.

"Hey there handsome" I said softly, "can you look at me, I'm missing those blue eyes of yours."

There was no response, and if I couldn't visibly see his chest rising and falling indicating his breathing I would be assuming the worse.

"Come on baby, wake up for me."

There was still nothing. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed again and I broke down, mostly because the last words he said to me were that he loved me and I couldn't even tell him back despite how true it is.

Somewhere down the line I had in fact fallen in love with the most arrogant, annoying, asshole this town has...and I wouldn't change him for anything.

"Please wake up Patrick," I said, soft tears falling slowly, "I'm scared, and i j-just want to know you're alright...please blue eyes, look at me."

He was unresponsive, I hadn't even thought to ask the doctor if he'd wake up soon. My anxiety was working overtime as I began to think the worse and tried my hardest to think about anything else. Of course the doctor would've mentioned if things were that bad off.

I carefully got onto the bed and slowly moved closer to him.

"Please wake up, you promised you'd stay by my side all night." I cried. "...I need to hear you say you're fine."

I sighed when I got no response, I snuggled my face into his neck, I kissed his neck gently.

"Fine then, rest." I said softly before I placed a small peck into his cheek, "I love you."

I closed my eyes and began to settle in to have a nap with him.

"Say it again." He suddenly croaked. "Surely I've died because I know my mate wouldn't say she loved me so freely...it means too much to her."

I sat up to see his smiling face, "hey there blue eyes."

"Hey there yourself Duchess."

I couldn't help myself, I leaned over him and kissed him passionately, "I love you so much Patrick Westbrook and don't you dare fucking scare me like that again." I said beginning to cry again.

I knew my eyes would be super sore tomorrow from all the water works.

He chuckled a little as he pulled me toward his chest, I rested my head against him. He carefully pushed my hair away from my face before he began to caress my back.

"I'm sorry I scared you, but now we know that the threats are over...It was two exes, it's more complex than that though." He sighed.

"So then tell me."

He took a deep breath before he filled me in.

"Like I said, it was two girl I messed around with...turns out one got pregnant and ended up getting a botched abortion."

I could tell he was pissed about that, did he want children or was he upset that someone hurt a girl?

"Anyways she ended up finding her mate but she was struggling with the fact that she can't have kids anymore...as luck would have it the girls found each other because one of the girls is the other girls mate's sister."

"What?" I asked confused.

He sighed heavily but filled me in. "I messed around with both Lola and Whitney, Whitney got pregnant and after having an abortion she met her mate, her mate's name is Chad, turns out Chad's older sister is Lola...both girls were pissed that Whitney can't have kids anymore so they wanted revenge on me, they blame me for what happened to Whitney...and to be honest I kinda blame myself too."

"Don't blame yourself." I spoke up sadly, "it isn't your fault."

"But it is, Mariah she wouldn't have gotten an abortion if I hadn't have gotten her pregnant, and she wouldn't be pregnant if I wouldn't have had sex with her."

I shook my head, "this is one of those things that no one can change and no one can place the blame to one individual Patrick...you both chose to have sex, you both chose not to use protection, it was her choice to not have the baby, and it was the doctor who chose not to perform proper medical practices and messed her up.

He looked up at me, sadness filled his eyes. "I don't deserve a mate as understanding and caring as you."

"Well if you're looking for a refund it's too late now," I joked. "Don't forget I love you Blue Eyes."

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