• TEN •

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I took in the light breeze of the nights air...it honestly helped me clear my head.

The nerve of Patrick, he had literally ruined my night, and worst I had just bailed on Jon.

I sighed and shook my head, I couldn't even blame that on Patrick, I was the one who chose to leave without so much as telling Jon.

I pulled out my phone and thought about texting him, but if he's as much of a gentleman as Elise made him out to be, no doubt he'd want to check in on me to make sure I'm fine...something I'm not wanting right now.

I felt like a complete bitch.

Elise was right, I should've never gone out tonight with Jon...all I did was drag him into this, even if he doesn't fully know he's been dragged into this shit-show.

I opened the door to the house and let myself in, I knew my brother wouldn't be home just yet. I went straight to my bedroom and changed into my pajamas, I had to woman up and call Jon.

I scrolled through my numbers as I laid down, I found his name and called.

It rang a couple of times before he answered.

"Hey you," he sounded, I could practically see the smile on his face.

This in turn caused me to smile just a little, I still felt like shit for abandoning him. "Hey Jonnie..."

"Where ya at, I've been looking for you."

I let out a deep sigh, "I'm so sorry Jon, I had to leave...personal reasons."

"I'm sorry to hear that Mariah, I wish you would've found me though, I could've given you a ride."

I shook my head, of course he'd worry about my well being, that said, I had to make a quick choice, tell him the truth or not...so I decided on a combo of both.

"I-its okay Jonnie, I met up with an old acquaintance at the party." It wasn't technically a lie.

"I heard Patrick was here." He replied without missing a beat.

I wasn't planning on out right saying who it was but of course Mister Superman would be clever as well. "Yeah...about Patrick."

"From the vibe I'm getting, I'm pretty sure you two aren't just old acquaintances."

"It's complicated." I sighed, I hated myself for even saying that. "Sorry I know that's so overused and all but...-"

"It's not my place, but you should be careful with him." he said cutting me off.

It caught me off guard, to be honest I wasn't expecting him to say something like that.

"Sorry?" I asked

"Patrick...he's not a good guy."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, more so, at how defensive I had instantly become. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that you two were friends?"

"We are."

"And yet here you are telling me to watch out for him...doesn't sound like you two are very good friends." I responded.

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