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Once we left the confines of the office I didn't miss the various people staring at me. Patrick ignored it better than I could.

"Mariah, Patrick."

Patrick held my hand just a little tighter as we both turned to see a smiling Vivienne. We both greeted her before she informed us that their parents were already in the backyard awaiting the presenting.

So Patrick and I made our way outside behind Vivienne, she ushered us to the parents and of course Patrick's mother pulled me into a warm and welcoming hug before even his stepfather gave me a fatherly one armed hug. Soon Elise and Vance joined us and both their parents followed suit.

It wasn't long before everyone came outside, Braxton and Harper made their way through people (alongside Ryder) and stepped up onto a man made platform so that they were raised a little higher, I assume so everyone could see them.

I could see Harper was beyond nervous and was trying to compose herself with an air of nonchalance. Braxton spoke with a low and deep voice, everyone was tuned into him and lingered on his every word.

I paid better attention and listened to what he was saying

"Of course I along with the rest of you have always had perfect examples of how an Alpha and Luna should work simultaneously on a loving and caring unit to lead the pack perfectly." He sounded confidently. "When my father passed last year he left me in charge and while I've tried my hardest to maintain the status of our pack, and I assure you it hasn't been easy, but all of that will change as many of you know the Fates have bestowed upon me a partner in life as well as in leading...so it is with the greatest honor and pleasure that I finally get to introduce you all to my lovely mate, Harper Carson."

I along with the rest of the crowd cheered in excitement.

Braxton moved his hands to settle his pack members down. He spoke more about Harper becoming the Luna and everyone knew what he was talking about, of course I was still all new to this so his words only made slight sense to me.

Everyone cheered once again and I too clapped along.

"Now, let the celebrations begin." Braxton announced, soon the actual party went into full swing and I was instantly wrapped in the celebrations.

"Hey I'm gonna leave you with Elise and Vance now, try and listen to them for your own safety." Patrick sighed before kissing me in front of everybody, with my face still gently resting in his hands he looked deep into my eyes, "I love you Mariah."

I looked right back into his beautiful blue eyes, the same blue eyes I had met so long ago now.

I smiled as I began to swoon slightly, but as Braxton approached Patrick kissed me once more before taking off.

I stood by myself for a moment before Elise walked over to me, "don't worry Ry, he'll be back before you can even miss him."

I rolled my eyes, "as if I could miss that arrogant fool." I smiled, we both knew my words were meaningless and that deep down I was already beginning to miss Patrick even though he only just walked away moments ago.

I talked with everyone and they helped to keep my spirits up, but I couldn't help but look around as this odd feeling of paranoia filled me.

"You okay?" Vance asked as he handed me a bottle of water.

I looked at him, I knew my eyes would show my concern, but I gave him my best smile..."I'm fine."

He gave me a look and shook his head, "he'll be back soon." Vance wasn't buying my fake "fine" for a second.

Shortly after we were met with Harper and a women I remember as Braxton's mother. They both wore beautiful smiles but if I knew Harper, I knew she was exhausted and waiting for this party to be over, these kind of things (parties, big events) were never Harper's thing.

We all welcomed them and Elise's dad kept the mood light as he and Harper played along with Playfully over-dramatic faux formalities. The conversations continued and were instantly filled with joy and laughter. Before my ears began ringing, I looked around and noticed some people seemed confused and soon the music stopped before a scream sounded and mass chaos occurred.

Elise grabbed mine and Harper's hands before Vance gently pushed us back toward the pack house. We all went straight into the office we had been in earlier, and simply closed the door behind us.

Everything in me was telling me that something was wrong, something with Patrick.

Elise and Harper began yelling at Vance, but he held his ground. "I promised I'd keep you ladies safe."

Suddenly I felt pain, I double over as one of my legs felt extremely weak.

Three of them all rushed to help me off the ground.

"It's Patrick." I finally got out, I don't know how to explain it but I could literally feel he was injured and hurting. I couldn't help but cry, "I-I...he's hurt, I can feel it, He's in pain and I'm not there."

My heart was heavy, he was suppose to come back to me.

Elise came forward and hugged me tightly, I couldn't help but cry as I knew I couldn't help him, or worse...what if I lose him?

"It's your bond Ry...Pat's Alright, he's gonna be okay." She offered.

There was silence that filled the room after that as no one really knew how to best comfort me.

"Braxton's sending everyone home, he knows we're in here." Vance sounded, I pulled away from Elise enough to see Vance talking, he turned his attention to me specifically, "Patrick was attacked but the people responsible are being dealt with."

I nodded feeling only slightly relieved, I knew I wouldn't be one hundred percent fine until I was with him and knew he was alright.

Just then Braxton came in and surprisingly came straight over to me, Elise moved to join Vance.

"It was an ambush, they were waiting for us, it seems they never wanted to hurt you...it was Patrick that they wanted revenge on."

"I don't even care what happened, all I care about right now is my mate."

He nodded and gave me a hug, "if you'd like Patrick is up in the room you two share, seeing as Dr Pollock was here for the presenting, Patrick's already being treated and I'm sure once he's up to it he can explain what happened and why."

"Thank you." I said as I hugged him back and wiped my face, there was no way I'd let anyone other than the people in this room see me as weak or vulnerable.

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