Missing You

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He dropped me off at the front of the school. I wanted to give him a kiss but he hasn't seem to want that so I just said bye and got out. Emily had just got there she was waiting at the door.

"Lucky! I wish Mike was here!" She said upset. "We got into a fight the other night so I'm assuming that's why he didn't come."
"Awh Em I'm sorry, listen Luke is here for 1 1/2 weeks maybe he will show up." I said.

We walked to home room and went our separate ways. I texted my dad

Me: hey daddy! I have cheerleading after school then I'm going to the gym to workout for basketball, I have clothes with me since Melissa picked me up this morning is it okay if I stay at her place tonight?? Oh and Luke is coming in tomorrow afternoon can he and Em come over for dinner??

Daddy: I'm glad you are conditioning already good girl! And yes that is fine have fun but do whatever homework you have,.. Ah I believe it will be okay but you guys are just friends right Kelly?

Me: of course! I'm thinking of dating Niko finally!

Daddy: glad to hear that finally, let me know when you get to Emily's have a good day!

I smiled and we did our morning stuff and we were all talking about our summers. My phone went off and it was Luke.

Luke: hey darling I should have kissed you when you left. I don't want to be pushy.

Me: I wanted to! I thought you didn't want to!!

Luke: baby we have only had two short kisses. I want to make out with you like crazy but I want things to go slow.

Me: well maybe tonight if you don't mind if I stay 😊

Luke: oh... Wow... Uhm sure darling. What time do you need me to get you?

Me: cheerleading is done at 4, then I have conditioning until 6, then I work until 9 😔

Luke: work? Do you need a ride there?

Me: no just pick me up ill text you the address. Have a good day! Get some rest! I miss you!


The bell rang for the end of the day. I went to my locker and grabbed my cheerleading bag to head to the gym. I looked at my phone on the way over I had 5 text messages and 2 voicemails from Luke.

Luke 836am: I miss you already baby. I can't wait to see you. 9 seems so far away!

Luke 957am: 11 hours!! I hope school is going well I'm going to take a nap beautiful. 😘.

Luke 1232pm: dreamt about you baby. I can't wait to cuddle with you it's going to be so nice.

Luke 124pm: no offensive but your little town is kinda boring what is there to do?! School is almost over beautiful!!

Luke 247pm: Classes are over! Yay! Now cheerleading practice??? Can I get a picture of you in uniform or do I have to wait for that? Lol.

I laughed and listened to he voicemails. I decided to call him as I walked to the gym. I rang not even twice and he answered.

"Hey darling." He said in that accent... Damn...
"Hey! How's your day?"
"Lonely. Is it the weekend yet!? I wanna be able to lay around with you all day."
"I know. Hey listen you okay with me spending the night I know you want to take things slow."
"Perfectly okay, I'll sleep on the couch no problem." He said. Damn I wanted to cuddle all night..
"Okay, oh and you have to wait until Friday for the uniform sorry we only wear yoga shorts and a tank top!" I said knowing he would want to see that too.
"Well damn..." He said.
"Maybe I will wear something like that to bed tonight. I'll see you soon" I said hanging up.


It was 915. My first day at work wasn't so bad. I worked with my friend Melissa at the drug store. Hey it's some money coming in. We walked out and Luke was leaning against his truck.

"See ya tomorrow girl" Melissa said.
"Bye!!" I said running to Luke. I had my book bag my cheerleading bag and my basketball bag. I threw it all on the ground when I jumped in his arms.

"Hey beautiful. I'm so excited to see you!" He said. He kissed my cheek.
"I know same here. Listen I'm starving I haven't ate since lunch! Can we please get something." I asked.
"Of course, how about we go back to the hotel I run you a nice hot bath and I'll order room service and it'll be there for whenever you are done."
"That sounds awesome!"


After we got done eating it was about 1045, I still had to start my home which would take me until at least midnight. When I started on that he face timed with the boys.

"Luke can we please talk this out I miss you..." I heard his wife say.
"No Coraline, this all was a mistake the second baby and all I love my boys but not you. I met someone else and she's perfect."
"Do you love her?!" She asked. Whoa love????

I listened closer.

"I will be able to say that one day. But as of now we are taking things slow. Give my boys kisses for me I'll talk to y'all tomorrow."

He hung up. I couldn't focus now. He came over and rubbed my shoulders. Damn did it feel good.

"Let's go to bed I can do this is study hall." I said just wanting to be in his arms.
"Okay only if you're sure."
"Positive." I said and gave him a kiss.

We went over and laid in bed.

"I've missed you so much." He said kissing my head as I drifted off into sleep.

Working night shift will let me update a lot more! Even though I've been updating an awful lot. Do you think her parents will find out?


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