Emotional Rollercoaster

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"....Derron Rivers...." Mr. Plum said hesitant. Everyone got quiet. Derron came running up and grabbed the crown.
"So dance time?" Derron said into the mic.
"Uh no dance this year." Mr Plum said. Derron grabbed my hand. I took it away fast. Everyone knew about him hitting me. Luke was up on that stage faster than ever.

"Of course your 'dad' to the rescue... how's it feel to fuck an older man?" He said. Mr. Plum grabbed the crown. He called security and has Derron escorted out.
"Okay everyone! The second place...." Mr.Plum started to say.

"....Aaron Laminson!"

Aaron came up and I have him a huge hug. He was one of Nikos best friends.

"Love ya kells" he said.

We danced to the song and we were done. We got our pictures taken. Then I was finally back in Luke's arms. He hugged me tight.

"Lets go grab something to drink" he said kissing my head.

We went downstairs to where they had all of the drinks and snacks. Mainly cookies and stuff. My friend Lynn was motioning for me to come over. Luke told me to go ahead and he'd meet up with me. I went over and her and jake were sitting there talking.

"Talk about irony. He must of rigged that! I thought Luke was going to kill him." Jake said.
"I know...and how perfect to mine and nikos favorite song, Brooklyn Bridge by Lee Dewyze" I replied. Some of the slutty girls were over there rubbing Luke's arms. I saw him take a couple pics.

"How often has that happened tonight." Lynn asked.
"Honestly first time..." I said. He looked st me and rolled his eyes. I smiled. He started walking over and they followed. His facial expressions were priceless. He handed me a bottle of water. He had one for himself and I could tell her grabbed a couple of cookies. Him and his sweets.

He sat down next to me and all the girls were pushing to sit next to him. He laid the cookies on his lap and wrap his one arm around me and kissed my cheek. The were all just watching us.

"Don't you guys have something better to do?" Lynn asked. They ignored her. Luke grabbed a cookie and fed me a bite. I blushed.

"Oh Luke I'm hungry to..." Carrie Anderson said. I couldnt stand her she played niko so hard just for his money.
"Well then I suggest you should eat something, there's millions of cookies over there." He said.
"But I'm prettt sure you took the last peanutbutter one. We can share I don't mind"
"Well surely you don't but I do. Besides this is my lovely girlfriends favorite. I'm sure a grocery store has some" he replied: I laughed.

Her and her little followers got up and left all pissed off. Jake gave him a high five.

"I love it man! About time someone puts her in her place" jake said.


The night was almost over. For the dance that is. We still had the after prom. Even though I just wanted to get back to the hotel. Luke looked amazing in his Tux. However he did promise he'd perform at after prom. He even paid for the whole after prom! No one had to buy tickets they just had to sign up. He was over talking with some of the guys as the girls and I talked about the plans for tomorrow. I couldn't help but keep staring at him.

"Kells!" Kaitlyn yelled.
"Sorry! What?!" I said.
"Tomorrow, are you joining us for breakfast?" She asked.
"Uhmmm we all are staying st the same hotel right?" I asked.
"Well yeah but are you two going down to the Buffett in the morning?"
"Probably not" I said. Everything started laughing.
"Kells is getting it tonight!" Everyone was laughing so loud. No one knew we had slept together yet besides Em. But since she was a junior only seniors were at the prom unless underclassmen went with a senior.
"Haha shut up guys" I said blushing.
"Girl he is probably huge! Have you guys done anything yet!?" Kaitlyn asked.
"He's a gentleman girls. He's so respectful." I said and then didn't see Luke in sight anymore. Then I jumo d whenever I felt hands in my hips.

"Sorry I startled you darling. Come on let's go out to the limo. I have something for you before everyone gets out there." He said.

I grabbed his hand and as we were walking away one of them yelled get it kells. I blushed. Luke chuckled. We walked out with security. When we got to then limo and got in he locked the doors.

"So...." he said clearing his throat. Was he going to propose????! I got super excited.
"We got approved for that land in Nashville. Our house is going to start getting built this summer. Here are the blueprints" he said. My excitement went from so high to so disappointed.
"Oh... awesome babe." I said looking st them.
"You hate it... I knew it..." he said upset.
"It's just.... I thought you were going to purpose. I saw you looking at rings in your phone a few weeks ago."
"Oh kells I'm so sorry that was Michael looking for Emily...." he said and my heart sunk.
"Oh... I see well I love this in so happy you got approved." I said and then I heard everyone coming.
"Kelly...." he said I felt tears coming. "It'll happen one day darling trust me..." he said and I unlocked the doors. We got pushed away.

Moments later we were on our way to the after prom. I got a text I opened my purse and grabbed my phone out.

Lukey: Kelly I'm sorry if I ruined your night. You are my world and one day we will get married I promise you! I will get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage. I love you to the moon and back forever and always.

I put it away. My emotions were just like a roller coaster tonight, first Derron then missing niko now my heart getting broke because Luke didn't proposed... what a night....


Give me ideas one what you guys want more of! This book will only have about 3-5 more chapters left! Should I make another one after she graduates? Let me know :)

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