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I woke up to an empty bed. The sun was beaming through the window, I heard the boys laughing and squealing. I then heard Luke's voice messing around with them. I laid there for another few minutes.

I got up and grabbed clothes, I put a pair of his shorts on since I just had his shirt and underwear on. I opened the bedroom door since the bathroom was across the hall and Luke jumped back. I giggled.

"Scare ya?" I asked smiling.
"Just startled me beautiful." He said pushing me into the room. He closed the door and pushed me onto the bed and started making out with me. He then proceeded to start taking my shirt off, but then there was a knock and he jumped up.

"Daddy!! Is mommy awake?!" Bo asked.
"Yes she is buddy come on in." He said trying to keep his cool.

Both of the boys ran in.

"Daddy said we can go out riding today before y'all leave!!" Bo said.
"Let me go get a quick shower then we can go." I said.
"Shower would probably be pointless before" Luke said smiling.


We got home probably around 11 that night. I was exhausted! He shut his truck off and looked at me.

"Mmm baby I've been waiting to make love to you for so long. I can't wait to get you inside." Luke said.
"Love, I'm so tired can we skip it tonight. Besides tomorrow New Year's Eve. We have to get up early and get ready for the party." I said he looked upset.
"Of course darling" he replied he would never push me into having sex.

When we got in we both got dressed for bed and climbed in.

"Have you talked to Emily lately?" He asked me.
"Actually no not since you video release.. Have you talked to Mike?" I asked concerned.
"I mean I told him about the party and he said ok... I hope they come"
"Me too, I miss her ever since they got together... She's so stuck on him." I said upset.

Emily and I have been bestfriends for a good 4 years I hate that a guy came between us.

"Oh you aren't stuck on me? I see how it is." Luke said turning away pouting like a baby.
"Nope not at all Luke! Actually I don't really like you all that much I like just sleeping in beds of guys I can't stand.. Oh and giving them blow jobs." I said and he turned real quick. Wide eyed.

I started rubbing him and then went down in him.


"Time to get up darling." I heard Luke whisper in my ear as he started to nibble on it. I let out a small moan.
"5 more minutes" I said.
"Beautiful it's already, 1 in the afternoon, I'd like to spend some time with you before everyone gets here and I'm introducing you to all my friends." He said.
"1?! Luke we have to get stuff ready!" I said jumping up.
"You slept right through the alarm Kells, it's okay I got everything done for the most part, just need some help making some snacks. "
"Baby I would've helped you." I said putting my hand on his chest.

He had on a red under armour tee shirt with a black hat on backwards. He also had a pair of lose fitting light jeans on with a few holes in them. He had a smile on his face. God do I love this man he's everything to me.

"What's the smile for?" I asked.
"Just how beautiful you are and how amazing you are. I love you Kelly." He said smiling.
"I love you too Luke." I replied. He leaned down and started kissing me. Then he stopped.

"I'll start the shower for you, you can stay in yoga pants and tee shirt until later if you want baby." He said getting up.


Later on around 630 I was upstairs getting changes. I put on light jeans with a blue and black flannel shirt. I had it buttoned up 3/4 of the way since I had a white tank top underneath. I put on a pair of brown cowboy boots. Then I curled my hair in lose curls again. I was finishing up my makeup when Luke walked in.

"Wow... Kells you look amazing." He said.
"Luke it's how I always dress!" I said blushing.
"Still beautiful just something about these jeans" he said grabbing my ass and moving his hands up my sides to my breast.

Luke had on tight grey jeans, with a black button up shirt that he had buttons up enough that you could really see his chest, and s pair of boots. He had his hair fixed so he didn't have a hat on. The door bell rang just as he sat me in the sink as we were making out.

"That's Emily and Mike I bet." I said as our foreheads were touching.
"Dammit..." He said breathless.
"Oh wait until we are drunk Mr. Bryan you will have me in no time." I said jumping down. I heard him take a deep breath.

I ran down the steps and opened the door. Emily had tears in her eyes and Mike looked pissed. He pushed past me.

"Whoa man." Luke said since I stumbled a little. Emily came in and I closed the door.
"WhAt?!" Mike yelled.
"Take it easy what's going on?" Luke asked. Emily just gave me a hug and started crying.

"Why the hell are you crying this time Emily?! I can't take these damn hormones much more!" Mike yelled on his way to the kitchen. We all followed. He opened up s bottle of Jack and started drinking it.

"Because of this Michael! You drink all the time and are at fucking strip clubs while I'm here! Then you have the nerve to say I can't come see my bestfriend and her boyfriend while you're gone! You leave me no keys or anything!" Emily yelled at him.
"I'm over this Emily." Mike said pushing a bunch of cups off the counter. Thank god they were only red solo cups.

"Get outside now!" Luke yelled and guided him outside. Emily sat down and I started cleaning up what he knocked off
"Girl are you okay why didn't you call? He isn't hurting you is he?"
"No he just isn't to thrilled about this baby and how my parents aren't letting me move down here whenever I have it."
"Hey Luke will talk to him and guess what, I'm here for you. We will work through this together." I said to her.
"I just feel so trapped anymore Kelly..." She said and started crying. I tried to comfort her as much as I could then About 15 mins later the doorbell started ringing again. Luke ran in and looked at me.

"Now the fun starts!" He said kissing me as he went running to the door then.

I couldn't wait to kick off this new year with Luke and meeting all of his friends!!!!


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