Decisons Decisons...

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"Kelly...Kelly...Kelly..." Luke said shaking me. I woke up. The room was blurry. I rubbed my eyes.
"What?" I said sitting up.
"Why the hell are you on the floor? Did you fall out of bed or something darling? Are you okay?" He asked. It was still dark out.
"I...I don't remember.i must of fell out of bed. I do have a headache." I said. Shit did coming off of this feel like shit.
"Get up." He said picking me up and putting me on the bed.
"Let me go get your dad." I said.
"No!" I said.
"Kelly I need someone to check you." He said opening the door.
"Luke stop I'm fine."
"Kelly what the hell is going on?" He asked me. I hesitated.
"Fine go get him..." I said. He put a shirt on and went out. Not even a minute passed and my dad came in. He looked at me.

"Kells what's wrong?"  He said sitting On The edge of the bed.
"Nothing I was just exhausted and must of rolled out of bed..." I said.
"Hand me your phone for the light." He said.

He checked my pupils.

"Well no concussion. Do you have a headache?" He asked.
"Major" I said.
"Okay well I think you should stay home, mom has to go to grandmas and I have to work but maybe Luke will keep an eye on you?" He asked looking at Luke.
"He's leaving today..." I said.
"I'm staying a few extra days..." He said and he looked worried.
"Luke..." I said.
"Kelly enough." Luke said sternly.
"Luke are you sure?" My dad asked.
"Yes..." He said.
"Take some Tylenol and I'll come back in about 3 hours before I leave for work and check on you okay." He said.
"Kay daddy..." I said and he kissed my head. He left the room. I glared at Luke.

"What Kelly?!" He said.
"You have the Late Show tomorrow Luke!" I said pissed.
"I don't care Kelly I'm worried about you." He said sitting next to me.
"She played you to long...I can tell you're exhausted..." He said. "I wish I could take the boys somewhere so I'd could spend the day with you."


Later on that day Luke woke me up.

"We need to talk..." He said.
"Okay?" I said seeing it was a little after noon already.
"So I laid the boys down for a nap I needed to do some stuff on my website and uh, well I saw you were looking up stuff about drugs..." He said more worried than mad.
"Luke..." I said sitting straight up.
"Listen Kelly... I love you but I hate drugs. You know that. And I really don't want my kids around it..."
"Luke listen it was Amanda, she knows I always take Tylenol at half time and it's always in Kaitlyns locker. I have a headache by half time and she switched it out we all know
Kaitlyn code because she has a doctors note since she gets margarines" I said it wasn't fully a lie Kaitlyn did...
"I want you to get a drug test done..." He said. He wouldn't even look at me.
"I'll go right now!" I said.

He sat there he had tears in his eyes.

"Lukey..." I said touching his had. He moved it quickly.
"I just need to think. I love you Kelly I really do... But...."
"Luke don't please don't...." I said and i felt the tears start coming.
" Kelly why? Huh? I know you have done it more times... And think that Sex was all fake your second half of your game was fake..." He said

I looked at him astonished by what he was saying.

"The sex fake? Luke that hurts! And what you don't think I'm that good of a player?"
"Kelly you were high!!!" He screamed. Just then my phone started ringing.

I ignored Luke yelling and answered it without looking at the number.

"Hello..." I said and Luke stopped like he was mad I answered.
"Is this Kelly?" A guy asked.
"Yes it is..." I said nervous.
"Hi Kelly this is the head coach from GSU basketball team how are you today?" He asked me.
"I'm good resting up from last nights game." I said.
"Yes your coach told me that I called her today and she said you weren't in school. However I would like to have you come down for a open gym practice with the girls next weekend." He said. My jaw dropped.
"Seriously?!" I said excited.

He chuckled.

"Yes. Would Saturday afternoon work? Around 2pm?" He then asked. "You should be able to get a flight in Friday night, we can also set you up with a hotel." He said.
"Yes sir I can get a flight down, thank you for the offer but my boyfriend is actually from that area so I will be okay with a place to stay."

Luke glared.

"Sounds good, I look forward to seeing you. May I get your email address to send you all the details?"
"Yes it's" I replied.
"Thank you again see you next weekend."
"No thank you sir!!!" I said excited. I went to hang up and the other line was beeping. I transferred to it.

"Hello." I said like was just looking.
"Hi is this Kelly?" A lady asked.
"Yes it is."
"Hi this is Amber; I'm the head coaches wife from TSU, I am calling in regards to your game yesterday. I call all the ladies my husband would like to see tryout." She said. I think I kind of squealed. She laughed.
"I would love to!" I said.
"Great, how does next weekend sound?" She asked.
"Uh...." I froze.
"Someone else already offered?" She asked upset.
"Yes but for Saturday at 2. Can we do Sunday ?" I asked.
"Yes we can do an open gym Sunday . How does 4pm sound?" She asked.
"Yes sounds great." I said.
"Great, may I send you a text with all the details?"
"Of course."
"Okay, I look forward to seeing you next Sunday." She said.
"You as well have a good day." I said hanging up. Luke was looking at me.

"Well?" He asked now kind of nervous.
"TSU and GSU!!!" I yelled. I went to hug him but he stepped back.
"I swear Kelly, if you take one more drug we are over! Understood? Don't think I won't randomly ask for a drug test." He said.
"Seriously Luke I won't can't you be happy for me?"
"Whenever I see you play just as good without drugs. PSU is stricter than anyone about that. Maybe that's why they didn't call." He said

I stood there looking at him. We were there in silence for 5 minutes before my phone rang. I looked at him and gave a shitty grin.

"I'm assuming that's PSU." He said.

"Hello." I said cheerful.
"Hi is this Kelly?" A man asked.
"Yes it is!"
"This is coach hall from PSU. How are you this afternoon?"
"Fantastic sir how are you?"
"I am good as well. The head coach and I were watching your video that the other coach brought back and we were very impressed especially your half time playing with those little boys teaching them. We like you to come here next Friday at 5 pm for an open gym." He said. I froze... 3 days of this 2 involving traveling.
"Yes sir next Friday is perfect." I said Luke put his arms in the air.
"Perfect. I will send you all the details see you then."
"See you then coach."

I hung up.

"What's your deal?" I asked him.
"Next weekend for all of these? Next Friday especially...." He said. I was confused.
"Uh yeah so?" I asked
"We have dinner to mama next Friday. You were going to meet my nephew and nieces kells..." He said upset.
"Luke in sorry can't we do it when I'm in Georgia."
"How about we do it whenever you have time for a family..."
"What do you mean?" I asked worried.
"You are wearing yourself out please Kelly take a break I'm worried about you."
"Luke I'll be fine! Trust me please..."


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