Red and Blues

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Kelly's POV

It was the weekend after prom. Luke had been so busy we barely talk. It was 430 that Friday morning. I was up hoping to get a call from Luke since he had to get up early.  We had a four day weekend since all the underclassmen had to take test that we didn't have to. I kept falling asleep then I jumped when my phone rang. I looked it was 515 and it was Luke I answered it right away. I heard tons of noise in the background.

"Hey beautiful." He said.
"Hi baby. How was your concert last night?"
"It was good just heading out for GMA. You going to watch?" He asked.
"Yes I am I have alarms set and my tv is already on that channel so I just have to turn it on."

He laughed

"Hey listen in sorry I can't be there with you for your long weekend."
"That's okay. I'm going to catch up on some sleep especially since I can't talk to you much"
"In off Sunday. We will FaceTime all day!" He said.
"Shit well I got to go darling. Let me know how you like the performance I'll call you as soon as I can. I love you."
"I love you too Luke." I said and hung up.

I laid there thinking of what life will be like whenever I live in Nashville and he's on tour.... I called Emily.

"Hey kells" she said wide awake since she did have to go to school.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm going to be so bored this weekend."
"Trust me I know! What to do something. There's a party tonight."
"Ehh idk if Luke will like that."
"Come on kells it'll be fine!"
"Okay I'll come.. does Michael know?"
"Yup he's good!"


It was around 830 when I picked Em up. She jumped in and we were off! The party was at our friend Justin's house. It was about 20 mins away.

"Who's all coming?" I asked
"I don't know like everyone!" She said doing her makeup.


Whenever we got there we of course grabbed a drink right away. Luke never answered me about me coming here... his performance this morning was so amazing I missed him so much.

After about an hour I was feeling pretty good after 2 rounds of beer pong and many many shots. Kaitlyn grabbed me to get up on a tailgate with her. We were dancing like crazy. Next thing 2 of the football players jumped up with us and we started dancing together. Tyler had his hands on my hips as I was dancing.. I heard a guy clear their throat. I ignored it. The song was over. Tyler kissed my cheek.

"Okay enough!" Someone said. I knew that voice I turned to the side of the truck. I knew that big smile. I jumped down and wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked up and started kissing him. He pulled away.

"Hello to you too." He said smiling.
"Luke what are you doing here!?" I asked excited.
"Well obviously watching my girl dance with another guy." He said.

Tyler walked up.

"Luke sir I am so sorry..." he said.
"Ty it's fine I knew you meant nothing by it...right" he said the right very sternly.
"Of course sir you know I've watched out for her when you aren't her since Niko passed."
"Very good. Thank you." Luke said.  Ty walked away.

"Okay real answer!?" I asked excited.
"I missed you to much. Recording can wait. I needed to see my girl it was a last minute thing. Your parents said I could find you here for a get together..." he said with a smirk.

We went over and grabbed a drink. I was sitting on his lap around the fire as people asked him questions about GMA today. Before I knew It was about 1 in the morning. I was cuddled up to him.

"How does going back to your place going up to your room and me giving you a nice massage?" He whispered.
"How'd you get here?" I asked.
"Can you drive?"
"Yes I had 1 beer. But you'll have to be quiet going in okay."
"Let's go."

I jumped up and grabbed his hand. We got to my car and I pushed him against it and he started kissing me and he grabbed my ass. We were making out. Then I heard sirens. I saw Red and Blue lights.

"Luke go!" I said.
"What!? Kelly no!"
"Luke get out of here you can't get caught! Threw those woods go a mile you'll come to my road you'll be at the bottom of the hill go to my house wait for me okay! Go!" I yelled. He shook his head.
"If you love me go!"
"Jesus Kelly don't pull that."
I saw head lights.
"Go now Luke!" I said I saw people running into the woods. Everyone who didn't drive. It's happened before. I had to stay since they usually check all the cars that are here. Luke went running. I went over to Kaitlyn.

"Shit... where's Luke?" She asked
"I made him leave he's the only one of 21 he'd be screwed Kaitlyn."
"Come on let's go inside and brush our teeth and pretend to sleep." She said. She's done this hundreds of times.

We ran in. But a cop caught us.

"Fuck..." I said.
"Come with us ladies." The one officer said.

Before I knew it we were in the back of a cop car. My life was about to be ruined....


3 more updates to go😊

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