I Give Up

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**3 months later**
**Luke's POV**

I was on my flight to PA. I had just finished up Spring Break in Panama City. Kellys parents watched the boys. She was to busy with basketball training and cheer camp to help the little ones make the team. We have been on the rocks off and on since Tennessee.

Emily told me I needed to ask Kelly to prom and not just assume we were going together. So I had this huge thing planned out. I still
haven't asked her to marry me yet I was going to wait until after she graduates.

She did choose GSU. Which the boys were so excited about having her moving in with us. However her moving into a dorm has been a topic.

I couldn't wait to see her standing there with the boys to pick me up. I couldn't wait to hug her and kiss her. I get to spend the next week here before I go out on tour. The boys will stay here until May 17th then my mom is going to take them.

We were landing. I was looking out the window. Such a beautiful city this is from above. I got off and walked out. I had flowers for her with me.

There were her parents and the boys. No Kelly....

"DADDY!!!" Both of the boys screamed and ran over. I leaned down and hugged them. I kiss their heads.
"I miss you boys." I said trying to hold back how upset I was. I stood up.

"Welcome back Luke" her mom said hugging me.
"Thank you." I said hugging her back. She released me.
"Welcome back" her dad said reaching out shaking my hand.
"Thank you sir...." I said.
"She said she forgot and had plans with the group..." he said.
"Okay..." I said. "Well here." I said handing the flowers to her mom.
"No seriously please take them. Say the boys got them for you or something..."


We got back to the house around 230. It was a Sunday.

"Can we go play out back?!" Tate asked.
"That's up to your daddy sweetie" her mom said and then I saw a group of them pulling in in her car.
"Go ahead boys." I said. We all got out.

A week and she looked so different.

"Hi lukeee!" One of the girls yelled.
"Amber are you drunk again?!" Kells dad yelled.
"I told you to be quiet..." I heard Kelly say.
"No Mr. Lee." She said trying to not slur her words.
"Matt are you taking her home?" He asked.
"Yes sir..." Matt said looking down.

"Mom dad can Alex and Hannah and Aaron stay for dinner?" Kelly asked. I threw my hands up and went to walk away.
"Well someone is pissy." I heard her say. I stopped. I turned.

"Luke..." her dad said.
"Mr. Lee I'm sorry I'm sure you won't like this after I'm done but I'll leave." I said. Kelly glared.


"Someone hasn't got laid for awhile..." amber said.
"For a fact no I haven't but that's not my issue amber. My issue is all of you guys. You brought her grades down and you brought our relationship to shit. Two people are a relationship Kelly. Not one I'm done trying ball is in your court now." I said. I went to walk away again.
"Just leave Luke... in over you and this 'relationship'"
"Kelly I swear to god if I leave again you will never ever hear from me again!" I yelled.
"Fine I'll leave." She said going to get back into her car.

"No way young lady. In the house now. You have some talking to do." Her dad said.
"Thanks a lot Luke they didn't know about my grades."
"Oh well Kelly I assumed they did."
"You're assuming a lot lately Luke."
"What's that suppose to mean."
"Like is moving in together, us being in love, you going to my prom...."


I was out back playing with the boys. I heard a lot of yelling from her dad. It was about an hour and I looked to see her mom standing on the porch.

"Hungry sweetie?" She asked me.
"Not to much. I can wait until dinner... boys do you want a snack?" I asked them.
"Uh yeah!" They both said. They went running up the steps to the deck.

I slowly walked up.

"Where is she?" I asked.
"Showering she smelled like smoke..."
"I'm sorry I didn't want to throw her under the us. I've written her last 3 papers."
"I know she fessed up to everything.. it's okay Luke we aren't mad at you."
"Mrs. Hall. Thank y'all so much for everything y'all do... I am sorry for how she's acting if you think I should leave and not come back I will."
"Luke.... I'm sure she'd be worse if you weren't around. Trust me."


It was around 930. Kellys been in her room studying all night. She didn't even eat dinner. I put the boys to bed and I knocked on her door.

"Yeah?" She said. I opened the door. She had tons of stuff on the bed. She looked over.
"Hey..." she said putting her pencil down.
"Hi..." I said going over and leaving against the bed.
"How's it going?" I asked.
"Okay. Should be done by 10... how are my boys?"
"Mad.hurt.upset." I replied she frowned.
"Want to go on a date tomorrow night? Then Friday night and Saturday maybe us and the boys could go stay somewhere and do something with them."
"Kelly if it isn't school or sports I'm not going to accept no."
"But Luke it's a huge party."
"If you pick the party we are done. I swear."
"But if I don't go..."
"What? You'll be unpopular? Not loved? What Kelly?"
"Just... forget it. I'll go..."
"Go because you want to not because you feel obligated."
"How else am I suppose to feel!?"
"You're ridiculous Kelly..."

It was silent for a few minutes.

"I'm going to bed..." I said.
"You aren't sleeping in here?"
"No... oh and you can drive yourself tomorrow. I may be here when you get home I may not be. We will see...." I said walking out.

I went to the bedroom I was staying in. My phone went off.

Kells❤️: I love you Luke... I wish we could cuddle. I've missed you. Like crazy. Can I come sleep in there after I'm done?

Me: Do whatever you want Kelly. I'm done trying.

I got ready for bed. 15 minutes and she came in. She closed and locked the door.

"Kelly you know doors have to stay unlocked" I said getting under the covers.
"I'll unlock it after I do one thing." She said.

She came over and straddled me. She started making out with me.

"I love you Luke and I'm going to prove it" she said.



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