Family Day

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It was around one in the afternoon. We were driving to Chuck-E-Cheese. Kelly was quiet the boys were in the back singing. I reached over and held her hand. She was still staring out the window.

"Hey..." I said she looked over.
"Hi..." She said smiling. I chuckled.
"I love you." I said to her and she leaned over and laid her head on my shoulder.
"I love you too Luke."

When we got there I paid and the boys went running straight for the ball pit. There was only one other family in here but their kids looked older and were more into the video games. Early afternoon was always a good time to come. I got the boys each a cup full of tokens. Kelly and I went over near the ball pit and watched them play.

I put my arm around her waist. I kissed her head.

"So how much will you miss me?" I asked her.
"Luke I've been without you for a longer time, it'll just be weird with me having the boys. But I'll make it through just wish you weren't going to be with all these other girls in bikinis." She said I could tell she was jealous and it was adorable.

"I'll only think of you in a bikini, besides we should go shopping so you have one for summer." I said hoping she would get the hint.
"Summer is in 5 months babe... I can wait"
"Well don't you have gym this upcoming semester? You have swimming right."
"Yeah but it has to be a one piece..." She said.

I sat the tokens on the table behind us. I pulled her into me.

"How does this sound. Me and you laying on the beach having people bring us drinks, you watching me on stage then taking long walks on the beach at night. Watching the sunrise and set together." I said. She looked confused.
"I'd love to but there's no way in hell my parents would let me go this short of notice besides I offered to watch the boys." She said. I just laughed and kissed her.
"Kells you are coming to Mexico with me." I said her eyes lit up.

She hugged me tight. She buried her face into my chest. I kissed her head. I had her look up at me.

"We need some time alone. Just us. I love you like crazy Kells. You've had a rough senior year. Granted I'll be working but we will still have us time. Your parents already know they are keeping the Boys. Please come."

She stood there. She was looking at me with s blank face.

"I love you." I said. She hugged me.
"I love you too...Luke I want to move with you..."
"If that's what you want darling.."

**Kellys POV**
We went out to dinner after there. We had went to a pizza Buffett. The boys loved it. They had an arcade to so they were back and fourth between there and the table
Which we got lucky and got right next to it. Luke had his hat on. No one really noticed. He had his arm around me as we watched the boys play air hockey. He nibbled on my ear love. I giggled.

"I can't wait to make love to you on the beach." He whispered.
"Mmm yeah?" I asked trying to hold back me being turned on by how he was talking and what he was doing.
"Yeah baby, laying you down in the sand, thrusting in and out of you...mmm the nice.." And that's when I cut him off.
"Thomas Luther, enough!" I said pointing my finger at him.

"Now that was sexy." He said leaning back and biting his lip.

The boys ran over. They looked at Luke.

"Y'all out of tokens?" He asked they smiled.
"Well let's go mini golfing then, after that we will go get ice cream okay." He said. The boys got excited and off we went.

After mini golfing we went to Dairy Queen. We went in and the boys went to a table to sit where we could see them. Luke ordered. We carried the sundaes over and their eyes lit up. They both started eating them pretty fast. Luke and I shared a blizzard.

"So boys. Kelly is going to go with me to Mexico. Her parents are going to watch y'all play." Luke said. They smiled.
"Daddy...mommy... Can we call them Pap and Ma too???"

I looked at Kelly.

"I'm sure they would love that!" She said they both smiled.


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