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**Kellys POV**

3 weeks later I was laying at home in my bed. It was a Wednesday night. I had basketball practice and I was exhausted. Luke was bringing the boys up tomorrow morning since he had to go to Mexico for Crash My Playa. I was on break so i was watching them. My phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said half asleep.
"Hey darling, would you mind coming and unlocking the door. It's kinda cold out."

I jumped up all excited and ran down the steps to the front door. I opened it and he was standing there with black dress pants and a white dress shirt.

"Luke!" I screamed and pulled him down so I could have a kiss.
"Hey love. Brought dinner" he said holding bags up from red lobster.
"Where are my two favorite little boys?" I asked confused.
"At your grandmas house with your mom. I wanted a night alone before I leave, I figured we can have a family night with the boys tomorrow then I leave early Friday morning."


After we ate we went straight up to my room. We both brushed our teeth and he got down to his boxers and I took my shorts off. I cuddled into him. He leaned over and started kissing me. Before I knew it we both we tangled up in the sheets making love.  After we were done he got cleaned up and came back in.

"Kelly I can't wait for you to graduate I have an amazing life planned for us." He said.
"I can't wait either Luke." I said kissing his bare chest. He started humming some song. I couldn't really make out what it was before I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to Luke getting it of bed.

"Mmmm baby where are you going?" I asked all sleepy.
"Just have to go to the bathroom darling. Besides we should get dressed just incase someone comes home." He said smiling.

He leaned over and kissed me.

"Shower first?" I asked him with a huge grin.
"I'll start the water." He said.

After we were done we got dressed in sweats and tee shirts. We laid in bed and cuddled while I put Netflix on.

"What are we going to watch?" He asked.
"Greys Anatomy. Duh!" I said an she laughed.
"Ya know beautiful seeing how they act in that place makes me not want you to become a surgeon." He said I just ignored him.

We got through 2 episodes and I looked over and he was asleep. I shut my xbox off and got out of bed. I went downstairs to find my dad was home watching tv.

"Hi daddy!!" I said all happy.
"Kelly." He said sternly.
"Everything okay?" I asked him.
"You got an acceptance letter for Georgia..." He said handing me a big envelope.
"Also..." He began to say. "A scout calls from there. He will be at you game this upcoming Wednesday..." He said. I got a huge smile.
"That's awesome!!!!" I said excited.
"You worked your entire life to become a Nittany Lion, now some boy comes along and you don't want this??" He said getting upset.
"You know, I'm proud of you Kelly I just think you are making a poor choice..."

I just walked away and went back upstairs. Luke was sitting there texting someone. I slammed my door.

"Whoa baby. Sorry I fell asleep." He said putting his phone on my night stand.
"It's not you its my fucking father. I got accepted into Georgia and a scout is coming to my game Wednesday... But he's disappointed HES NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED IN ME LUKE!" I said as I started to get more worked up as I was talking. I just started crying...

Next thing I knew Luke had his arms around me.

"Baby if you want to go to Penn State we will make it work I love you I will figure it out."
"No! Fuck him! Fuck this! I'm not even fucking going to school." I said going into my bathroom and slamming the door....


Sorry it's short.

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