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Today was the day! Finally graduation! I woke up excited as hell. Some of us were going to breakfast. I was trying not to wake Luke up. He rolled over as soon a I stood up.

"Darling...?" He said.
"I'm just going to breakfast baby I'll be back before you're up I'm sure."
"Do you want me to come?" He asked sitting up.
"Only a few of us seniors are going. It's not a big deal."
"Okay... maybe mike and I will hang out because Emily has school right?"
"Yeah... btw her and I aren't talking anymore she said I've turned into a bitch... so whatever"
"It'll pass... in sure"
"Maybe." I said throwing a tank top on and shorts.


We went out to eat n park. We all got the Buffett. It was me Kaitlyn john Lucas Matt and Mary. I couldn't believe Niko wasn't here... my mood insitily went from laughing to just staring at my plate.

" okay kells?" John asked. He got paralyzed in an accident this year so he was in a wheelchair.
"Just missing Niko...." I said. Everyone got silent.
"Kelly he's looking down so proud of you! You got into 4 colleges! Will you be okay to do the speech for him tonight?" Mary asked...
"I don't think so I'm going to bawl."
"Hey it's okay... everyone knows how important he was to you..."

We sat in silent for a little longer...

"So Saturday is your party right." Kaitlyn said.
"Yeah... I'm going to miss y'all when I leave!" I felt the tears building up.
"Kells don't cry!!!" Mary said her and Kaitlyn both came over and hugged me.
"It's just I love Luke but I need my friends..."
"Kelly we are ever only a phone call away. Tonight we will party it up! Rest tomorrow and then party at your party on Saturday and we will see you off Sunday evening!" Lucas said.

We sat there just talking about some good times. Before I knew it it was 1030 and we got here at 730.

"Well guys. I think I'm going to go visit Niko..." I said.
"Want any of us to come?" Mary asked.
"No... but thanks..."

I put $60 on the table. For all of us and the tip.... I walked and got into my jeep I had the top off....  I drive slow. When I got there I reached behind my seat and grabbed the bottle of fireball I had. I took a cup and did about 3 shots and put it back. I walked over. I sat down and started bawling.

"Today we were graduating we were going to walk out of there saying fuck you:.. we were going to go on vacation this summer and then go off to college together... I hate you for leaving me...." I said I finally told him. I finally said it out loud.

"I hate you so fucking much Niko... but I love and miss you so much... I hate you leaving me on the cruel earth... no one to count on... no one to rely on.... no one to hold me and tell me it's okay.... I miss you so fucking much.... I love you... I so wish I was with you right now.... tonight, well tonight I'll drink and drink and drink.... I can't believe I'm doing this without you.... I love you Niko I always have..." I put my hand to my lips kissed it and laid it on top of the grass. I fell over and started crying... I needed him here I needed my best friend back... I had to of been laying there for a good 20mins crying. I felt someone touch my back. I jumped.

It was his dad.... I saw his mom standing there crying. She had balloons that said grad on them and some flowers of our school colors. She sat them down and helped me get up she hugged me tight... "let's take you home sweetie, one of us will drive u and the other will take your car" she said.

I got into my car with his dad. It was a very silent ride home. As soon as we got to my house I sat there staring.

"Kelly.... I know you miss him, we do too but don't let this ruin your night. It's one to unsound never forget. He is proud of you and your accomplishments...." his dad said. I sat there not saying anything. My parents walked out. Nikos parents pulled them to the side and we're talking.

(Side note: to let everyone know the cemetery and 'talk' all really happened. Same with Nikos parents showed up and taking me home. Graduation was a very hard night for the class. Especially for me without my best friend there and this is the first time I'm talking about it in 5 years! The ceremony will be told how it happpened!)

Luke pulled in. My dad called him over right away. He came over then and unbuckled me and picked me up and carried me in the house. He carried me straight upstairs... he laid me on my bed.

"Let'scuddle and sleep until you have to get ready. I'll set alarms...." Luke said.


Ceremony time. We were in home room waiting to go. I was nervous to give the speech. We were walking down to the football field.... I was super nervous as they read my name. I went and sat up front. We had over 500 kids graduating. It took forever for the names. However whenever they were done the principal went to the microphone.

"Thank you everyone for joining us this evening to celebrate on grads. First up I would like to let the class valor Victorian make their speech. Kaleb Rogers!"

Kaleb went up and did his speech a few more important people went up and talked and blah blah blah.

"Sadly tonight we are missing one of The classmates. Niko Adams was a wonderful kid, great at sports and academically. We have a chair sitting here with balloons in memory of him. Our star basketball player would like to come up and give a speech on memory of Niko." Our principal said... I hesitated as everyone clapped. I got up and went to the mic. I had a piece of paper.
"Parents, siblings, friends, classmates.... we started this year off with a bang! We walked in the first day happy as could be. Until that dreadful night... that middle of the night call and those morning texts to hear our dear classmate Niko had passed away..."

I said and started tearing up. I cleared my throat.

"Niko had many dreams. He was going to go and be the quarter back for Penn State. He was going to major in pediatric medicine. His life was set. He has a very loving caring family whom are still here tonight. And he was a great guy to everyone. He never made anyone feel left out.. tonight we sit here with one less classmate. One less picture to get, one less diploma to hand out, one last name to be called... Niko I know you are up there looking down on us.. wishing you were here. But you and Kaylee are together again! Everyone I know we are all going to parties tonight, however Niko was struck by a drunk driver. Please be careful tonight, please do not drink and drive. Because not only could you or your friends get hurt or even die, you could be putting someone else child , parent, sibililing, best friend, significant others life at risk. Please be smart! Call if you need a ride. No one will be mad they rather have the call you need a ride then a call that you are dead... rest in paradise Niko."

I said with tears rolling down my face it was silent I walked over to his chair and released the balloons. I fell to my knees and everyone was clapping I could hear sobs throughout it all. I buried my head in his chair crying. I left two people help me stand up. It was Lucas and Matt. They helped me sit down and Lucas held me tight.....

After we had all received our diplomas we threw our hats up. And off we went. I saw Nikos parents waiting for me. His mom was crying. His dad reached out for me. I went into a big hug with both of them.

"We love you Kelly" his dad said.
"I love you too. You guys will always be my second family."

I said hugging them tighter. Then I handed them Nikos diploma. Which made his mom even worse.


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