Girls Night

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Luke woke up around 2. He didn't say much to me most of that afternoon. Around 7 I was getting ready. He came into the bathroom and looked at me.

"Damn baby you look stunning, did we have a date planned?" He asked confused.
"No I'm going out with the girls! They will be here on about 15 mins." I said. His face got red.

He walked out and hit the wall. I walked out as he was standing there.

"What's your issue Luke?!" I yelled.
"Kelly you can see so much cleavage, your jeans are tight as hell, and I'm not going to be there to stop any assholes that try and get with my 17 year old girlfriend! Remember that you're 17! What are you guys going to do?!"
"I have a fake ID Luke, I'm not boring."
"No way! You are staying here if not then I'm coming too!"
"Girls night Luke! And chill I was kidding we are going bowling!"

The doorbell rang. He just was looking at me.

"I love you I'll be home in a few hours." I said kissing him.
"Kelly...please don't go..." He asked.
"Why Luke? Huh?"
"Caroline is going to be there it's been their plan all along..."
"Luke I doubt that. I love you." I said as I walked out. Luke yelled my name. But I opened the door and went out to see Miranda standing there.

"Ready girly?" She asked.
"For sure!"


We were almost down with our  second game of bowling and the girls had bought me a few drinks. We were all feeing pretty good. I turned to come back after I bowled my last frame and saw Coraline talking to Ashley and Lauren. I froze for a minute. I walked over and Carrie, Miranda , and Jess were sitting there.

"Why she here?" I asked.
"Ashley and Lauren invited her..." Carrie said shaking her head.

"Hey home wrecker..." Coraline said. I didn't even look. Then she came over and pushed me a little.
"What Coraline?" I asked.
"How about you leave my husband and sons alone." She said getting in my face.
"Coraline listen I'm not trying to cause trouble but seriously back up. I'm going to call a cab and leave." I said going to grab my purse.
"You and me lets go." She said.
"Coraline please." I said getting upset.

She pushed me. I dropped my purse and went after her. I got her on the ground and started hitting her. Before I knew it a police officer was pulling me off and cuffing me as they read me my rights.

"Officer she started it!" I yelled.
"Nice try miss, and have you been drinking?"
"Yeah because they were getting me drunk! Those two bought them." I nodded towards Lauren and Ashley.

"Sir we bought her nothing, she's been drinking it out of the water bottle in her purse, she also has some time of pills she's been taking." Lauren said handing them my purse.
"What!? They are crazy!" I yelled.

The other officer opened up my purse and took the water bottle out and opened it and smelled it.

"Vodka?" He said. Then he took a bottle of pills out with no label. He got my wallet and looked at all the money in it.

"How the hell did I get that much money?!" I yelled. They were setting me up. Miranda Jess and Carrie looked shocked.

He looked at my ID.

"She's only 17, Officer Miller" he said.
"You're coming with us." He said.


I was sitting in there in the jail cell for at least 2 hours. I couldn't believe this.

"Officer drug test her do whatever you have to, trust me she's not on drugs. I would go get Coraline Boyer And test her along with the other girls" I heard Lukes voice I jumped up and went over to look out.
"Mr. Bryan are you sure this stuff is not hers"
"I'm more than sure, do finger printing and all, now can I take her home?" He asked.
"Of course sir I am so sorry for the confusion." The one officer said.

I saw Luke and he looked pissed! The officer came over and unlocked the cell.

"You are free to go ma'am." He said.
"Luke!" I said hugging him.
"Let's go..." He said sternly and didn't even hug me back.
We were walking towards the back.

"Why are we going out back?" I asked confused.
"Media is outside because they arrested all the other girls after you, thankfully they don't know you're here..." He said and we got to his truck and thank god the windows were tinted.

I got in and so did he. I went to kiss him.

"Kelly I swear, you better not make me look like an idiot and have that stuff be yours. We are getting you drug tested now." He said starting the truck.
"Luke I promise you I'm not on drugs!"

We were driving to a clinic, after the took my blood they said the officer would get a report on it as we would the following day. Luke thanked them and we were off to his house. This was going to be a long night!


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