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Whenever I got there, girls were lined up out the door. I grabbed my coffee and walked in. My manager Kerri was standing there waiting for me.

"Luke it's about time. Girls have already started dancing!" She yelled.
"Listen Kerri... Can y'all pick them?" I asked her.
"Is this about your little girlfriend?"
"Whoa now Kerri watch it." I said.
"Listen Luke you cheated on Coraline how many times. You'll cheat on this one too i know you. Now get your ass in that chair and be the old Luke we all know and love and watch these girls shake it for you for once." She said.

I walked over and sat next to Carter.

"Man you're going to love this! We've been through 10 already and damn. You'll def need to come to the bar with us and get laid tonight." He said.

I took my phone out and still no text from Kells.

Me: I wish you were here darling. You're the only girl who knows how to shake it right for this country boy. I love you. Hope you're feeling better too. T minus 15 days until you are down here!

I picked a few girls and it was now 10am. A girl came running in at the last minute. She was a blonde. Damn did she start moving. I sat up straight.

"Stop!" I yelled. She stopped.
"You... I want you to be up front for the entire thing..." I said. Damn.
"Sure thing cowboy" she said and winked as she walked away in booty shorts and a tank top.

"Alright everyone take 5 then the boys need to be back and make up to get things ready!" Kerri yelled.

I was standing there. I felt a hand go on my shoulder.

"Or you can get laid by her tonight man." Carter said and walked away.

I walked outside and leaned against my truck. I called Kelly. Straight to voicemail.

"Hey darling I was just calling to tell you I love you and I miss you. Hoping to FaceTime and see your beautiful face and outstanding body tonight. I love you." I said hanging up.

I had a text from Mike.

Mike: dude Kellys pissed about your video... I do know she went over to Nikos parents house since it was just down the road she drove her quad. Hopefully you hear from her soon. Btw Emily is thinking of moving down here to Georgia if she does I think we will move to Nashville. Have a good day bud!

I shook my head and put my phone in my pocket. I went in and sat in there chair and they started my hair and make up. Whenever they were done we started shooting the video.

We got done around 1045 that night. They had to edit it and it would come out the day after Christmas. I had to go and do a Christmas special tomorrow night. The guys wanted me to go out so bad. So we piled into our cars and drove to the local bar. A lot of the girls came especially that one that I picked to be the main girl.

I ordered a Miller and sat there looking at my phone... No text... No call... No nothing... I thought screw this!! I left my phone on the table and went and grabbed that main girl.

"Let's see if you can shake it as good whenever your not being judged." I said to her.

The night went on. I was pretty drunk. She was sitting on my lap kissing my neck. I felt myself getting hard a lot. Then my pocket started vibrating. I grabbed my phone and it was Emily. I ignored it.. Then she started calling again. I decided to answer hopefully I could hear her.

"Hello." I said loudly.
"Luke where the hell are you?" She asked.
"Partying!" I said excited.
"Well can you call Kelly on her home phone. She's tried calling but assumed you didn't pick up since you didn't know the number and your voicemail is full. She left her cell at Nikos and his parents aren't home she left her keys there too so she can't get in." She said.
"I'll call her in the mornings. Tell her I'm busy. Have a good night bye!"

I hung up and the girl was staring at me. I have yet to kiss this beautiful sexy women.

"Wanna go back to my place?" I asked her.
"Sure thing cowboy." She said winking and got up. I followed her out to my truck and off we went. I hated driving drunk but my house was only 2 miles away.

We pulled in and went into my house. The girl started unbuttoning my shirt. Just then my phone started ringing again... It was Kelly.

Sorry it's short guys!
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