Fairytale gone bad

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It was Friday May 11th. Finally the day I've been waiting for... PROM! I had to be ready by 2 so we could get pictures and go to dinner. Luke stayed at a hotel because he got in late last night and he still hasn't seen my dress he just knew the color. It was 8am. Kayla and Kaitlyn were going to be here to go get our nails and hair done. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said. The door slowly opened. I saw Luke smiling.
"Good morning beautiful." He said. His hair was freshly cut, and he had a short trimmed beard just how I liked it.
"Luke!" I squealed excited.
"Shhh.." he said. "Everyone is still sleeping."
"I missed you baby." I said jumping up and hugging him.
"I've missed you too. I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've seen you." He said then kissing me lightly on the lips.
"That's it?!" I said upset.
"Haha got to save something for tonight baby" he said and I pulled him over and curled up in his big strong arms.

"Is it bad I want to skip the dance and just cuddle all night?" I asked. He kissed my head.
"We can if you want. But I think you'd regret it"

The doorbell rang. I got up.

"Dammit I told them not to ring the doorbell!" I jumped up and went running down. They were already in.
"Sorry Kells I forgot!" Kaitlyn said.
"It's fine!!" I said. Luke came in. They smiled that's how I knew.

"Okay ladies have fun I'll see y'all tonight." He said. He leaned down and kissed me and bit my lip and left.



It was 230. The girls and I were all getting ready there were 6 in our group. Totaling to 12 with the guys. We got a white hummer limo. I heard the door bell only ring 5 times... I was worried Luke wasn't here.

We were all ready to go out and get our pictures then go eat. All the girls walked down before be. I walked down and Luke was standing there holding a corsage. His jaw dropped. I smiled.
I had a baby blue dress on the was really poofy. It had silver sparkles on it. I had silver high heels on. My hair was in an updo. He walked over.

"Kelly you are beautiful." He said. I leaned in and kissed him. And saw a camera flash. I smiled as we kissed. I loved him so much.

We all went outside and got pictures done. Then we were off to eat.

We went to this fancy steak house. Luke was offering to pay for it all. We sat down and he looked st me.

"I love you kells." He said sincerely.
"I love you too hun"
"So how does this sound." He said whispering in my ear
"A nice big California king bed, a jacuzzi tub, and nice massage worn some oils working my way all around your body..." I took a deep breath. He chuckled. No one was paying attention to us. I felt his had on my leg. Through all of that dress.

*adult scene*

"Me twisting your nipples in between my fingers. Slowing moving my tongue around each one." He said and I couldn't take it.

"Uhm Luke I left my phone in the limo can we get it so we can take a picture?" I asked. Everyone looked then.
"Yeah we should have time before the food gets here." He said with a smirk.

I drug him out by his hand. We got into the limo. I pushed him down. I notice the divided was half open I closed it. I took his pants down a little with his underwear. I stuck his hard throbbing cock in my mouth. He moaned my name at the top of his lungs. I went so fast until his warm cum ran down my throat as I swallowed. I looked up at him. He was breathing heavy.
"I fucking love you" he said as he pulled his pants up.
"I love you too now let's get back to dinner."

*scene over*

If was about 8 and we were all having a great time. It was time for Prom Queen and King. They announced me as queen, then it was the turn for king. I went up and they places the crown on. I stood there waiting. My heart sunk whenever they said his name....



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