Chapter 3

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Anakin Skywalker walked back from the briefing room through one of the many long, grand hallway's back to his quarters to get some rest after another long boring mission brief, he would often think that if Ahsoka were still here they wouldn't be as boring but he didn't like to think about her much otherwise it would just lead to anger. He walked in to his small room and as the door closed behind him he fell onto the bed, he almost would have drifted off to sleep had not been for Obi-Wan storming in. Anakin let out a small grunt and sat up on the edge of the bed while Obi-Wan sat in a chair, "why hello to you too" he stated looking at one of Anakin's model of a ship. "Any specific reason for a visit?" Anakin asked rubbing his eyes trying to stay awake, "just wanted to make sure you were paying attention during that brief, I've noticed you tend to lose focus...a lot" Obi-Wan said staring at his old apprentice, "yeah, yeah, yeah something about finding a secret Separatist base on Dantooine" he replied. "Not that I need to know since the council haven't sent me on a mission for 3 weeks" Anakin added rolling his eyes, "Anakin the council just want to make sure your not distracted after what happened bec..." Obi-Wan started but was cut off, "I'm not DISTRACTED, in fact I haven't even mentioned Ahsoka's name...well except for just then but you get the point" Anakin said frustrated. "That may have been the first time you mentioned her name but we both know you haven't stopped thinking about her" Obi-Wan said getting out of the chair and sitting next to Anakin on the bed, "the council made the wrong decision by expelling her, and they know it" Anakin said with a sigh at the end, "look, I agree the council made wrong choices but we have to make sure we don't look bad in the eye of the public and the republic" said Obi-Wan getting off the bed and heading over to the door. Anakin didn't reply, he simply just sat there, staring into his lap, "Anakin we all miss her but maybe after this war has ended she might come back to us" he said as he exited the room. Anakin got off the bed and stared around the room with all these emotions in his head and he just lost it and used the force to throw everything to the floor, including himself where he sat thinking about how much he missed Ahoska.

The next day the council had gathered in the tallest tower of the temple to discuss Anakin. "I sense young Skywalker is not ready to return to the field" said Mace who was a blue transparent hologram, "I think that is exactly what Anakin needs, to return to the field and distract him from the departure of Ahsoka" Obi-Wan spoke up, !ace turned his head over to the smallest and wisest of them all, master Yoda, "your opinion master?" Asked Mace in a smooth tone. "Troubled Skywalker is by the situation, right master Kenobi is, a mission he needs, but close we shall keep him, to deal with the underworld criminals we shall send him" the green Jedi spoke looking at all the council members, "I shall go brief him" said Obi-Wan walking out of the room.

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