Chapter 7

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Lux Bonteri stared out his ships window at the beautiful red-orange of Coruscant's sky and the different sizes of the grand luxurious buildings that covered the planets surface with little dots everywhere which where of course the different species of aliens that inhabited the world. His shuttle came to a stop when they had made contact with the ground and the door opened and sunlight filled the ship. Lux walked out to be greeted by Padme, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, the Chancellor and clone troopers. "Ah senator Bonteri, it is so good to finally meet you" the Chancellor said with a warm smile on his face, "Yes it is such an honour to be in your presence" Lux said, shaking Palpatines hand. He said his hellos to the others when all of them but Padme left for important business. "So I'll be showing you to your room" she said as they hopped in the transport. "You've grown up since our last in-counter" she said smiling, "while we all do eventually" he said making them both laugh. "So how is Onderon doing?" Padme asked, "very well, we've solved pretty much every problem the separatist left, Naboo?" He asked. "Well I haven't been there for about 7 months now but I would say everything is alright" she said with a sigh. "Hey, its ok this war will end soon, which brings me to my next question, what is this important meeting about?" He asked curiously. "Who even knows, there's one every day now and I honestly chat remember what yesterday's was about." She said bored. They landed at the hotel and walked inside Lix's grand room. "I hope to thank some of the Jedi that helped save Onderon including Ahsoka, do you know where she might be?" Lux asked obviously with no clue about what happened, Padme froze not knowing what to tell him, "Lux, see...its just...she's left" Padme said trying not to cry.

"IS SHE ALRIGHT?" Lux asked worriedly, "yeah she's fine but because of it she lost faith in the Order and left" Padme finished her story. "I...i still have so many questions" Lux asked panting, "ask away over dinner because we are off to meet with the Chancellor" she said getting up, "since when?" Lux asked still stunned about what he had just learned, "since now" Padme sighed.

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