Chapter 12

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Lux just stared Anakin directly in the eye as if he was challenging him to speak first forgetting that the Jedi was used to worse. "It's good to see Master Skywalker" Lux spoke as of their meeting wasn't awkward, "what are you doing out this late? And DONT tell me it's senator business" Anakin said emphasising the last 6 words. "I could ask you the same question" Lux answered back casually trying to stand his ground, "Why don't we talk more on the ride down" Anakin said nodding his head in the direction that the shuttle had pulled up.

Ahsoka walked back to her seat forcing  herself to not turn around to Kai's desperate pleas. She sat on the chair and curled herself up against the wall hoping Kai wouldn't return for a while. Admit it, you do like Kai she could her mind speaking to her, but not as much as you like Lux. She then heard another voice, a deeper darker voice go on be with Kai it's not like you'll see Lux again I mean he's the senator of PLANET for forces sake. With the argument raging on in her head she couldn't help but get distracted when she saw Kai walk in to the bathroom looking worried and suspicious.

He made sure the door was locked so no one would disturb his little meeting. He activated the holo-communicator and a bright transparent blue image of his employer appeared. "Are you almost at Ilum?" The harsh bark came from the man in the picture, "yeah yeah but I don't think the final part of the plan should be carried out there" Kai said hoping not to upset the man. "And why do you think that" he said obviously disgusted at Kai for questioning him. "Well for one I'm pretty sure her old master is on our trail and second of all she will not be able to focus with him on. our. trail!" Kai protested. The man thought about it for a while, his image intimidating Kai every second he had to look at him, "very well then, meet me on Mandalore where we will carry out the final part of the operation" he said  matter of factly,"isn't the shadow collective there?" Kai asked trying to annoy him. "They are already taken care of" he said  with the communication cutting out as soon as his sentence was finished.

Who do you think the man Kai is working for is? Let me know in the comment section.

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