Chapter 16

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The only sound they could hear was the howling of the wind as the snow flew by them in a hurry, "H-ho-how much further?" Kai asked his teeth clattering against one another as he tried to speak, "shou-ldn't be to m-uch long-er" Ahsoka said shivering. It wasn't long before they arrived at the not so much warmer temple but it was better then outside, they stood there for a moment to let the warm flow through their bodies after breathing in that much cold air. As Kai looked up Ahsoka could see the disappointment on his face as he saw the massive ice door, not needing the force to know what he would ask she answered his pending question, "yes that is it and don't worry I can get through there" she said tossing him her bag. "Right of course you can and hey while we're at it why don't we just tell Jabba the Hut he stinks or build a giant space station that can destroy planets" he said sarcastically following her. She looked back at him with a sigh and a roll of her eyes, "But seriously how are you going to do this?" He said curiously, "like this" Ahsoka said putting her hands up against the solid water and focusing. She felt the force flow through her whole body and connected her hand to the ice as if they were one, she then commanded the force to do her bidding and crack the ice. She opened her eyes to see a big enough hole for them to walk through. She walked through ignoring Kai's amazement using the force to guide her to a crystal.

How had I not realised this Anakin thought as he walked towards the temple hanger where his starfighter awaited him. She's obviously trying to get a Kyber crystal so she can build a lightsaber for herself he said in his mind about to turn into the hanger only to hear Obi-Wan call his name. He turned around shocked and annoyed to see none other then Lux with him, "Anakin, Senator Bonteri would like to talk with you" the older Jedi said walking off as Lux thanked him far leading him to Skywalker. "Make it quick" Anakin said sternly, "well I was doing some thinking and since the Jedi are sworn to protect the senate and the Republic that means that I outrank you and therefore ORDER you to take me with you to find Ahsoka" Lux said clearly happy that he had come up with such a brilliant plan. "FINE lets get going then, I know where she is" Anakin obeyed annoyed.

"How do you kn-" Kai was cut off by Ahsoka telling him to wish so she could use the force to guide her way around the twisted caves. Without even question the forces decision to go left Ahsoka ran down the corridor to walk into a massive ice cavern with echoes calling her name. "Are you su-" Kai was interrupted again, "they're trying to tell me something" she said closing her eyes to get a better understanding, "we are the only ones here and I'm the only one speaking" Kai said looking weirdly at her, "just be QUIET" she said firmly sick of his questions, all she got was a defensive hands up. She once again closed her eyes and listened to the calm voices communicating with her. She looked up at the spot she sensed the crystal and sure enough it was there. She took a few leaps and jumps and it was in arms reach, she reached out to grab the white glowing crystal but a dark booming voice told her not to which made her shiver but she ignored it and yanked it out of its socket. "Got it" she said as she leaped down to Kai, "good because according to my contact there's another ship here" he said walking with her, "what ship?" Ahsoka asked hesitant of the answer she would get, "I think she said a Jedi starfighter" he said shrugging his shoulders. "We have to go, NOW" Ahsoka said running.

I've just published a new book called The Dark Side Games. Please check it out I promise that it will be good.

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