Chapter 17

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"I thought I said I wanted to tag along on the mission, not sit here in this ship waiting in space" Lux said into the com obviously frustrated, "well your about to have some fun" Anakin said, the background noise of the howling engines making it a bit difficult to hear, "I've just seen Ahsoka hop into a ship and I'm currently chasing them, you'll need to intercept them but don't destroy their ship, we want her alive" he said fading out as the transmission ended. Out of no where a ship came racing out of the planets surface trying to doge Anakin's laser blast, "I thought you said not to destroy their ship" Lux said jumping into the pilots seat and firing up the ship, "I'm trying to stop them before they can escape through hyperspace" he said.

"You know him best, what's he up to?" Kai asked heading to the main laser cannon to fire back at their opponent, "DONT SHOT, he's only in a small star-fighter" Ahsoka said blockading the gun from Kai, "hate to break it to you kid but he's aiming for our hyperdrive" the mysterious women said. "Oh great just great, there's another ship that decided to join in the fun" the orange head exclaimed as she put all her energy into dodging the laser fire coming their way. "Just get us out of here!" Ahsoka begged returning to the copilot seat.

"R2 try and open up a communication with them"

"Do not open accept his communication request"

"What is she doing!?!"

"Hyperspace engine is loaded"

"R2, throw a tracking device now!!!"

"We're heading into hyperspace"


"And we're out of here!"

For a while everyone was quiet trying to process what had just unfolded, Anakin just sat in his fighter letting it drift in space for all he could think about was how close he had been to seeing Ahsoka again then all of a sudden R2 beeped a series of words that made Anakin regain full focus. "Lux we're heading back to Coruscant, NOW!"  In an instant Anakin's brought yellow fighter was no where to be seen as it leapt into hyperspace with Lux not far behind.

Ahsoka sat in the copilot seat as they came out of hyperspace and were staring straight at the galactic capital. As Kai finished up payment with their still mysterious pilot, Ahsoka sensed that Anakin wasn't going to give up that easily.

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