Chapter 13

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Kai poked his head out the door and saw that every one was curled up asleep, he then noticed that Ahsoka want at their spot. Wow she really must hate me for kissing her, huh she is gonna hate me a whole lot more when we arrive on Mandalore. He walked over all the bodies being careful not to disturb them and sat in his seat hoping to get some sleep before the real adventure begun. "What was that all about?!?" Kai was snapped out of his restful state to see Ahoska standing there scowling at him. After taking a few minutes to catch his breath from the shock, he looked up at her "I was contacting our transport who will get us to Illum" he lied, "oh o..ok" she said embarrassed with her sudden outburst and sat down. "Look Ahsoka about before..." But he was cut off, "Kai don't worry I... It's just being a Jedi I was never allowed to form attachments and that really tested me so I guess I'm still really use to that" she said looking down at the dusty metal floor. "Well I do want you to know that i do sort of like you." This time he wasn't lying.

"So Ahoska's gone off world?" Lux asked getting off the hectic shuttle. Even at night Coruscant never stopped to sleep. "Well I'm guessing and I'm off to see where that ship went" Anakin said determent not to show his resentfulness of Lux coming with him. They took a walk to the spaceport which was mostly tapped off form the police trying to fix up the place after the criminal caused such a ruckus earlier that day. "Do you even have access to the data pads?" Lux asked trying to keep up with Anakin's fast and aggressive pace, "'m not sure but I will with the swipe of my hand" he said as they approached the dimly lit information desk. Lux  had thought that being a Jedi would mean playing it cool and being clam so he was more then surprised with Anakin's approach to the women. "The ship the crook tried to escape on, where was that heading?" He demanded, Padme wasn't kidding when she said Anakin was upset with her departure. The only response he got was a stern look from the Twi'lek at the counter, "you will tell me where the ship went" Anakin calmly said with a wave of his hand. It was only a few moments later that the Twi'lek returned with a data pad. "Siconee? Why would she be going the..." Anakin stopped mid-sentence. All lux managed to hear after that was something about Illum.

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