Chapter 10

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She was there, she was right in front of me, Ahsoka was right in front of me and I didn't do anything Is all Anakin could think as Obi-Wan handed the criminal over to the police who had finally showed up. "Right now th..ANAKIN" Obi-Wan screamed as Anakin started running up to the edge of the platform. I'm coming Ahoska but he never got off his feet and turned around to see Obi-Wan force holding him.

He was there, Anakin was THERE, out of every building and complex on this darn planet he had to be 5 meters away from ME. This was all Ahsoka was thinking even as Kai was blabbing on about how hey would get to Ilum, he clearly had no idea the confusion that was going on in Ahsoka's mind.

"WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT" Obi-Wan was yelling as Anakin just stood there, "SHE WAS ON THAT SHIP AND IM NOT LETTING HER GET AWAY" Anakin yelled back to a shocked Obi-Wan. "I was afraid this would happen" the older Jedi mumbled to himself. "You need to let go, she's just a regular every day citizen now" Obi-Aan tried to explain but Anakin wasn't paying any attention, all he was thinking about was how he was going to track down the ship.

"You right, you seem distracted?" Kai asked curiously as he came back with refreshments. "Yeah" was all Ahsoka managed to say as she kept staring at the wall. "Tell me what happened now" Kai said sliding over her juice, "Anakin."

NO NO NO NO it's to soon for Anakin to interfere with the plan, he'll need to here about this before Anakin tries to track us down.

Are senate meeting always that boring? Lux felt like asking but thought he should wait until they were back at Padme's luxurious apartment. "So the next meeting isn't for 3 standard days" one of Lux's servants was telling him as they got in to the speeder with Padme already waiting. "WOW 3 days, usually it's 3 hours" she said making them both laugh. 3 days huh, maybe I could find Ahsoka some where in this maze of a planet.

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