Chapter 4

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Ahsoka walked down to the alley where she called home for now with her speeder which she would spend the whole night trying to fix if she had since it was her only form of transport. She sat down against the wall of a building and got out her tools from under a the crack of the building where she kept items she found on the streets that might be useful. I wonder what Anakin would say abut that she thought to herself but reminded herself to stop thing about that kind of stuff so she got to work on the speeder hoping it would come as a distraction.

After hours of trying to fix pretty much everything in the speeder she gave up and threw it across the path where it crashed in to a bin and started to make a grumbling sound and then shut down completely. "This is hopeless!" She yelled to herself, pacing around in a circle, she sat down and tried to calm down "ok come on Ahsoka, you've been through worse" she muttered, "you just need some sleep" she said curing up in to a ball and putting the blanket over herself trying to get to sleep but couldn't because of the noise. She decided to use the force to try and stop it, it'd been a while since day she used it so she hope she could make things better instead of worse, she reached out her hand so it was facing the speeder, closed her eyes and focused on turning it off completely. She felt the once familiar surge of power flow through her and after a few seconds the noise died down. "Finally, some peace and quiet" she mumbles as she fell asleep.

I KNEW IT the repair guy thought to himself as he watched the feed from the droid of the Torguta using the force to stop the speeder form disturbing her. "That's her isn't it? It has to be" he said to the hologram of the cloaked figure, "yes it is, now you know the rest of the plan, the credits I sent should have arrived, do what is necessary" he said, his voiced muffled to hide his identity, "alright, I'll see you when it's done" the boy said to the faceless hologram as it faded out. Now will you come to me or will I have to come to you?

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