Chapter 5

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Maya's Pov:

"Hey Riley,sup"

"Oh hey Maya"

"Is anything wrong?"I asked.She didn't seem that well

"Yeah,it's just stuff"

"You sure?"

"Yeah,its nothing.Thanks for your concern though"she forced a smile


{Time skip to first class aka Geometry}

This is like the only class I have with Lucas and not Riley.

I wanted to talk to him,and get to know him but Riley was always there and I didn't want to hurt her.Yeah they broke up but it was her first heartbreak and I didn't want to make it harder for her.

I sit in the back of the class.I don't like being in the front,it's like everyone's eyes are on me.

But today,I could feel one person staring at me while I was taking notes.I wanted to look up and see who the person was,but I was also scared that I would make things even more awkward
Eventually,I saw who the person was.

why was he staring at me like that?Okay that's now officially awkward.
If only he knew how much I wanted to stare at his beautiful green eyes.
If only he knew how much I wanted him to be there for me when I needed it.
if only....he was mine.

"...oh,but school just started isn't it early?"said our teacher

"yeah,but it's principal's orders"a woman with grey hair said.I could feel how much tired she was

"okay then..."

"So class,as it seems you have to change your seats."

Everyone seemed dissapointed.

"I'm sorry,I don't like this either but it's not my decision to make.You now have assigned seats"

Please,please,please don't make me go in the front please.

"Gabriel Rivers,go take Maya's seat please."

Ugh great,now I actually have to get up and move.

"Maya Hart,take Sarah's seat"

Great!Front row!

"And Lucas Friar,go take the seat behind miss Hart"

Oh crap.
What do I do omg!I'm sweating,he is going to notice.I hate my life
Then I'll stink and he will hate me omg I wanna die

"Oh hey Maya"

I turned around to face him.
Oh,his eyes.
His beautiful green eyes.

I see you're my seat-neiboor"he laughed a little bit and so did I

"Eh..uhm...I guess so?"


"So L-L-Lucas...uhm..tell me a little bit about you"woah did I say that?how did I even find the courage

"Well uhm my last name is Friar,I am 16 and I am from Texas,uh.."

"Woah woah.Texas.Well tell me cowboy(I laughed a little bit) how come you're 16?"

"Well it's really hard to explain..."

"Aw did little Ranger Ric do something bad?What did you do brought your horse in class?"I know I know I'm so smart,I giggled

"You don't want to make me mad,Maya"

"What will you do huh?will you tie..."

I hear someone clear their throat.

"Lucas,Maya, would you like to share with the class what's so important that you can't pay attention"

"Sorry..."we both said

{After class}

I was taking my gym clothes from my locker,when I saw Lucas heading towards me.

"Hey shortie"

"What did you just say..?"I asked.I almost cried

"So you get to call me names but I can't?"He said.I could tell he was a little bit angry

"I-I'm sorry"
Was all I could manage to say and I walked away with tears in my eyes

Lucas' Pov:

I made Maya cry?
I didn't want to do that!
Oh my God what have I done!
I can't stand watching her sad,and I did this to her..
I was just mad because she made fun of me but I'll just learn how to live with it.
It's cute when she calls me Ranger Ric anyways.
I decided I should apologise.
Good thing we had gym class together next.

Maya's pov:

I went to the ladies room,I cleaned my face from the tears,and since I was late I decided I would change there.

I put on my sweatpants and a shirt and I put my hair up in a ponytail.

I don't know why I cried.I've been called short before.I mean I know I'm short.
But when he said it,it hurt.
Because I wanted him to think I'm perfect.
Because he is prefect to me

I walked into gym class and saw Riley.
I waved at her and then run to where she was and hugged her tightly.I just needed a hug.

"What's wrong"Riley asked me conceded

"Nothing.I just needed a hug.What about you?

"What do you mean?"

"Riley,did you really think I believed you were sad because of school?"

"No it's just.."

"You can tell me,Riley"

"I think I.."
I'm super excited about the
next chapter!

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