Chapter 19

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All my friends are heathens take it slow


"So ms.John Friar is it?"Tunner
said while sitting on her office chair and holding up a file.

"Yes,yes it is"John said while nervously cracking his knuckles,which obviously gave Tunner the chills:Off to a bad start.

"So you just recently got out of the prison is that right?Child abuse as well as sexual and other forms of assault against your wife which I must-"

"I know what I've done.It's in the past now.I want to believe I'm a better man now."

"I see.Now about the murder case-
Would you please stop that?"Tunner said obviously frustrated.

"Wha-what?"The redhead used her hands to show the reason of her frustration,his fingers

"Yeah sorry I'll stop.Move on please"

"So I believe you have said you are a witness to the murder of Riley Matthews'?"She said throwing the file on her desk and leaning towards John.

"Well...not exactly"
Maya's Pov

Just like every other weekday night,I sat comfortably on the couch and started watching TV,we had this little 20 inch one from the early 2000's,but it got the job done.

Unlike other weekdays tho,tonight I wasn't really watching TV.I was thinking about Riley.I was thinking about how much I miss her and how much I wish I could have saved her.Maybe if I hadn't gotten drunk then maybe just m-

The phone rang.One time,two times,three times and my mom still hadn't picked it up.Who am I kidding she isn't even here.That's my cue now.

"Maya?Maya please!Don't hung up it's Lucas"

"I know who it is.I have to go,I really can't talk right-"

"Please Maya,let me talk to you let me come by.I just want us to talk,I just us to be good,I want to help you ease the pain."

Ease the pain?Who am I talking to the "Botched" doctors or something?Just let me be man.

But instead..

"Okay.Come by in 10 minutes.Make it quick"

"Thank you thank you.I'll see you then.Bye Maya."Oh God I could almost hear him smiling.

Why the hell did I let him talk me into this?
As if I would get ready for him.I needed 10 minutes to calm down and eat some food you know?

"Maya!Open up its Lucas"God

I open up and welcome him by saying
"No shit Sherlock.And I thought it was the holy spirit."I sighed to let him know I really don't want him here??like can you please bring me food and leave?but instead I  him in.

It's gonna be a long night.

Don't you just hate it when you need to be nice to people you don't like when they are invited to your house??Like damn he had the nerve to ask for some water.
Well I offered but I was only being nice.What do you think this is?A restaurant?It's like me offering you my food and you saying yes like???no???

After I placed the glass of water on the table he sat down next to me on the couch,and out of the sudden he hugged me mmmkk wyd

"Lucas get off of me"I pushed him away but I must say the feeling of him hugging me will never stop sending me goosebumps and making me feel safe.

"Maya,I'm so sorry.You must understand you were NOT just a hook up to me!Maya I know I lost contact with you after the incident,I know I wasn't there for you and I'm extremely sorry.But you must understand,you told the police you were at my house and they got on my neck.I needed to stay away from you so you and I wouldn't get in any more trouble.And my mom,she was worried you are a bad influence to me.And you aren't!You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.And you know we might only be highscool sweethearts but I can't help it I-"

I leaned in and I kissed him.I kissed him like it was the last time I ever would.And it felt great.

He was taken by surprise,but he kissed me back,and I knew I just knew what he was going to say.

He let go and he placed his forehead on top of mine,holding me tight and wd connected sort of.I didn't even noticed when he put his hands on the back of my head,but it felt the way it always did.Comforting.

"I love you,Maya.I really do"

"I love you too Lucas.Thank you for everything you've done for me.Really,I don't know what I would have done without you.Riley..she was my only friend.I'm really lucky to have you now."I smiled at him,sincerely.He really made me feel whole lot better.

I told him I loved him,and it with realest thing that I've ever FELT.
This,this right here is real.

Then his phone rang.I groaned to show my frustration and he answered.I mouthed "Who is it"As he replied "It's Zay".

Poor thing,he lost her too.Yeah I was drunk but how can I forget..Oh my god he was sleeping with her the night of the murder.How could could I forget about that,how could I forget about telling that to the police?

"Dude I'm sorry but I'm over at Maya's I can't-"

"Invite him over."

Oh boy.

Zay's Pov:

I am on my way to Maya's house.It was so nice of her to invite me over.Riley was really lucky to have a friend like her,I'm so glad she was surrounded by people who really cared about her.

I keep replaying last night in my head ever since..ever since she died.Ever since she was murdered.

I was really drunk.I approached Riley,she kissed me and her lips tasted like sugar.Just like I thought they would.We slept together and then..then I fell asleep.

At some point,I heard her gasping next to me she was hyperventilating or so I thought.I turned around and saw this looked like it was punching her in the stomach but then it left and Riley..I think she fell asleep again.

I thought I was too drunk,I thought I was imagining things.

But when I woke up,there she was.Laying next to me,her body was cold and she wasn't smiling at me anymore the way she was last night.
She was stabbed,to death.
I knew sooner or later they would find out that I was with her somehow.So I needed to confess whatever I knew now,before its too late and things get worse.

The looked like..

Y'all.How you been????It's been a long time.
I almost forgot how I wanted to end this book I need to be more organised.
So the next chapter will be the end of this book.But don't worry,I will have an epilogue as well as a chapter with the murderer's POV and why they did what they did and what was going through their heads.
UNTIL then.
COMMENT down below your theory as to who is the murder and why??Maybe?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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