Chapter 15

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I've never fallen for somebody.I've seen so many getting hurt,that I don't think I ever will.

Maya's pov:
"I dare you to tell me one thing about you that nobody else knows"Lucas said with a smirk planted on his lips,even tho it was dark on the way to his house,I could practically feel him smirking

"Uhm..lemme think"I paused and waited for a while before I answer "I'm"I said and suddenly things were a lot awkward

"Oh..I thought you and that kid in the know.. did it"he said and scratched the back of his neck narrowing his eyes at me

"What?Of course not..I'm not a slut Lookey Pookey"I like that nickname I thought to myself and smiled

"Lookey..?"His face softened and he laughed,until a smirk replaced it again

By now we were outside his house and he opened the door for me to get inside

"Mi casa es su casa"(yes idek what I just said but you get my point)

I giggled softly and got inside taking off my shoes,oh God heels hurt so much.

He sat on the couch and we were facing the TV,he brought me blankets, and snacks since we decided we could have that Netflix date he had invited me in.

Wait date?

"Okay what do you wanna watch"He asked me

"I don't know what ever"I answered not really caring,I was really sleepy anyways

"Okay I'll just put an episode of Boy Meets world" (Idek if it's on Netflix but whatever)


Lucas and I started laughing HYSTERICALLY and we both yelled

"ERIC IS ME" at the same time

we kept on laughing till we couldn't breath and when we finally stopped,we just stared at each other

"Truth or Dare"Lucas said out of nowhere

"Huh?"what the heck

"We didn't finish the game before"he paused"let's continue now"

"But the show.."I turned my head to the TV and realized the episode had finished.Well it was actually the 4th episode we..are kind of obsessed.

"Oh"I looked down and thought for a second,then smirked to myself ugh I'm such a genius (Uhm me everyday tho)

"But were the one that asked the last question so now that means it's my turn"I said and smiled innocently

"Ugh,okay fine it can wait"

I smiled proudly because of my victory and had the perfect dare:

"Truth or dare"I smirked evilly


"What the fuck man?Who does truths?!"I said angrily,oh my God this kid

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