Chapter One

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Its been almost the same dream for a month. I can see her, but I don't know her, her face is covered by her hair but I can see these beautiful blue eyes. I can hear the faint crashing of the waves as I follow her. I don't know her but I'm attracted to her. I have to know her.

"Tobes, Tobin wake up." I hear my best friend Hope Solo say softly, shaking me lightly. I regret letting her stay the night to an ultimate level.

"Ughhhh" I protest, "What time is it?" I mumble.

"Time for you to get your lazy ass up so we aren't late for school." The massive 5'10" brunette I call my best friend states as she yanks the covers off me.

"Fuck you." I grumble swinging my legs out of bed.

She smirks, "I love you, Tobin, but I don't think I love you that much."

"Oh shut up you know what I mean." I chuckle as I stretch my tired and slightly sore muscles and yawn.

My muscles are sore because, well, I'm a werewolf and last night was a full moon. But I'm not just the average wolf, I'm kind of a cross between the Twilight wolves and the wolves you see on Teen Wolf. So basically, this means, every full moon all my bones break and rearrange themselves to shape me into a auburn colored wolf with gold eyes. Now if it is not a full moon and for some unknown reason I lose my temper, I get claws, fangs, golden eyes and physically bigger with more muscle, if I get extremely angry passed the first stage and I can't calm myself down, well, I turn into a full blown giant wolf.

Hope is the one who turned me, when she is in the first stage or a full wolf her eyes are bright red because she is my alpha, before she became an alpha they were an electric blue. A major perk about being like us is that you are stronger, faster, just overall better than a normal human.

All wolves have this thing called an anchor. An anchor is something that keeps you grounded during transformations or even prevent a transformation, basically meaning you don't go on a murderous rampage. On full moons it is extremely hard for wolves to not go and kill everything it sees...unless they have an anchor.

I rub my eyes as I stand up walking to the bathroom. When I come out I'm wearing black vans, khaki skinny jeans (rolled slightly at the bottom), an oversized white T-shirt and a grey beanie to top it all off.

I jog down the stairs grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder as I grab a bottle of water and two pieces of toast putting bacon and an egg between the slices as I walk out the door of my house with Hope getting into her black Jeep.

About ten minutes later we pull into the school parking lot and get out walking through the front doors.

After a few minutes the bell rings for our first class (which Hope and I share together) and we make our way to it.

Halfway through the class a girl stumbles into the classroom, tan skin, brunette hair, and when she turns around I'm pretty sure my heart stops. She has the most crystal clear blue eyes I have seen in my entire life, I can't stop looking at her. Images begin flashing through my mind of me protecting her in the future, of her and I kissing, her and I walking on a beach, her and I graduating, her and I getting married, and so on. In that moment I know that I imprinted on someone, and that someone is the nameless beauty standing there in the doorway.

She walks over to the teacher handing the teacher a few papers.

"Alright class, listen up, we have a new student, her name is Alex I want you all to treat her with respect. Now get back to work." Ms. Cunningham smiles as she goes back to her computer.

I watch the blue eyed beauty, Alex, look around the room before I go back to my work. A few seconds later I hear a raspy voice in front of me.

"Is this seat taken?" Alex asks smiling gently.

I look up "No, by all means go ahead." I return the smile.

"Thanks." She sits down.

"I'm Tobin by the way, Tobin Heath." I tell her as I mind link to Hope who is sitting next to me. "It's her. The girl I have been having dreams about."

"I'm Alex Morgan." The girl in front of me smiles.

God that raspy voice will be the death of me.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"Diamond Bar, California." She answers.

I raise my eyebrows questioningly "So care to explain why you moved across the country?" I smirk.

"Guess you'll have to get to know me a little better and find out." The girl smirks back as the bell rings and she stands then walks out of the class followed by a horde of students.

'Holy shit' I think to myself as I walk out of class. 'I imprinted'

For the rest of the day the only thing on my mind is Alex. Her smile. Her eyes. Her long legs. Her toned body. Fuck, I got it bad.

Even though I wasn't paying attention in any of my classes I still aced a test and finished all the work I had for the day, leaving me with no homework, which is great because then I have more time to think about Alex.

I lay on my bed thinking, mostly about Alex. Okay, I lied, all about Alex. What can I say? The girl has me hooked and it doesn't help that I imprinted on her. Which basically means that she will be the only person I will ever truly, truly be in love with. My heart will always belong to her.

Before I know it, it is 9:30 at night. Leaning over to shut the lamp off I sigh leaving my earbuds in so the music can flow into my brain. I don't know how I'm going to handle this, but for now, I let sleep engulf me, dreaming of crystal eyes and raspy voices.

A/N: hey fam! Alright idk how this one will turn out but let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions or questions. Thanks babes, you're awesome. Keep it positive (: -Kaycee

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